Folks who have gone Tier 3 for either god! When you had an idea, did you talk to other players to workshop it first, or ask mods and THEN reach out to see if anyone else wanted in?
for tier 3, this was waaaaaaaaaay back in like 2017 I think, so this was when the tier system was pretty new. but I think what happened was I put a thing on the CR meme and someone responded saying they were interested in having me do a thing
tier 3 is a little more open-ended, but priest is where it gets harder. also make sure you communicate what you're doing and accept that it'll lead to possible neg cr.
I think I FINALLY have an idea that hits all the boxes: - it's IC for Norman and his game arc so far - potential for lots of character interaction in general - done specifically FOR Elias and affects the entire setting
Maybe I'll toss the kid a prayer and have Norman ask what he needs and go from there to brainstorm a slightly less massive thing... it's been a while since I did a prayer thread
and then atem did the ic thing of getting a bunch of other people in on it and the idea evolved organically and became a bigger thing than it would have been--
and also make sure Norman's in the spotlight, the mods came down very firmly on No, Atem, You Can Bring One Other Person Up To Tier 3 With You And It Will Make The Whole Thing More Evil
I went to the mods first for my first idea regarding tier-3'ing RS, but then I couldn't come up with anything more so I defaulted to "kill a fourthie for mom" when the opportunity arose and I just winged it with asking around who would be interested in helping lol
I think it depends on what you're trying to do. trying to get creative with it? check in with the mods. doing something tried-and-true? look at other players first.
Yeah, my thing is that "kill a Foggie" is not what he'd do, not after Harry. He only gets into Bark Bark Kill mode if it's specifically revenge, and that isn't a tier-worthy thing.
- it's IC for Norman and his game arc so far
- potential for lots of character interaction in general
- done specifically FOR Elias and affects the entire setting
anymorebecause an event Scrundled him, so