Mad Larkin
[work] I was not hired for xml work
Mad Larkin
I have never been trained for xml work
Mad Larkin
yes, the current project I'm working on has xml stuff in it
Mad Larkin
but I still do not know how it works unless someone tells me
Mad Larkin
and asking about it is like pulling teeth, so I'm leery to just out of the blue ask
Mad Larkin
and then I get snippy emails about stuff I don't understand and, tbh, shouldn't be expected to understand
Mad Larkin
Mad Larkin
there's just a general lack of realization that just because you know where something is/what something is, that doesn't mean everyone does
Mad Larkin
"Oh, it's in the Sharepoint in the general specs, under /admin"
Mad Larkin
I go to the Sharepoint
Mad Larkin
I go to the admin folder
Mad Larkin
there is nothing labeled "general specs" or anything like that
Mad Larkin
am I supposed to divine that one of these 20 or so documents is the general specs? which one is it? be fucking specific