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[ mh ] love a random anxiety spike where i question everything I've ever written lmao
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this does not happen often but when it does hoo boy
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usually it's just a subtle and insidious worry i can push away
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i also write for work and like it has been hell trying to write anything today so i think it's just getting me on both sides
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i hate when i'm behind because then i go "you made people wait forever for THIS"
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very dumb very bad
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it's extra stupid because i wrote a tag this morning that i was like wow i actually liked the characterisation in this
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so i know it's just dumb brain shit
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but also feels bad man
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i also play a lot of very confident people so then it's hard to like find that tone but i'm working on it
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at least work isn't something to stress about because i have no real deadlines so it's easy to go
well i just eased off for today
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i did a whole doc i didn't even plan to do and it's like 90% done so i'm technically ahead, if anything
diet lyctor
huge sympathy, I am 3 weeks behind on tags because of -waves hand at university and New Study Starting- and am like no one wants me to catch up on them

but your tags are in fact excellent

so there
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diet lyctor : ahhh thanks! i think yours are excellent too!!
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i will inevitably power through this it's just like i hate the physical side effects of anxiety more than the anxiety lmao
mami on top 🔗
relatable but you also know it will get over itself in a bit
jill grahamyao
touches this, i very much have enjoyed our threads, i’m the one who owes you a tag atm
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jill grahamyao : oh no worries!!! march is always a thing that happens and has been for the last three years lmaooo