le tits now
as I’m sure you’re all aware I can’t stand negative cr and my characters are always objectively in the right
le tits now
it’s hard to be this perfect but someone has to do it
That’s my favorite thing about them, that they’re all morally unimpeachable and only make wise choices.
le tits now
anyway I used to put all my beanie babies in a Barbie car and push it down the stairs to see which ones would fall out so I think that’s a pretty close approximation of my play style
le tits now
its 200% more fun with a friend
gayest uncle
gayest uncle
this is a great cami fact I love it
le tits now
thank you mj I agree
senza verdura 🌿
this is the Cami-est thing and it is wonderful
le tits now
whenever there’s a meme like “would you want to meet your character” my blood runs cold. No they would kick my ass
jill grahamyao
bene would not kick your ass, he’d just make whoever his boyfriend is do it for him
le tits now
Oh true
I'm not at all worried about beating bene's ass
le tits now
I will say he’s got some nasty spells even if he’s not much of a physical fighter
ah, true
senza verdura 🌿
like the time he flung that Horror spell that made Wren almost wreck everyone's shit
senza verdura 🌿
that was awesome
third muleteer
assign your guys beanie babies please
le tits now
le tits now
This goes into a very strange place bc all my beanie babies had specific personalities that undoubtedly evolved into current characters in some way
frantic banjos
which beanie baby would each of them be
frantic banjos
a vital meme within the meme
le tits now
See that’s the thing, the question you’re asking is “which of your childhood ocs correspond to your current ocs”
le tits now
if you guys really want to know all the characterizations of my favorite beanie babies I can provide but that seems somewhat in the “telling someone your dreams” realm
le tits now
unless they all had canon personalities I didn’t know about but I always ripped off the tags so idk
third muleteer
no now I feel we gotta know
yeah you've made a grave error
le tits now
sigh ok gimme some time
I also want to know
le tits now
ok it is Dad Hour of the baby bedtime misery loop so here we go
le tits now
Zip the black cat was my first one so he was the oldest brother (the cats are all siblings, this is important), had a very advanced sense of responsibility but was a massive coward who hid behind the enforcer Chip, the calico cat, despite her being younger
le tits now
she was a ballbuster who was involved romantically with my best friend's yellow cat Nip, a chill dude who didn't care that she walked all over him because he was into it I guess
le tits now
as much as a nine year old conceives of people being Into Things
le tits now
the closest Chip analog is Teren I think but Chip was very femmey in a way Teren has never been, she was just the most like. aggro
le tits now
let's see, then younger than them were the twins Pounce and Prance (brown and silver tabby respectively) ((yes we kept all their names)), the former of whom was whiny and kind of mean-spirited, like. incel material except incels weren't a thing in the 90s
le tits now
and Prance was kind of a wunderkind, clever and chaotic and good at everything
le tits now
we were very misandrist I'm sorry
le tits now
Prance notably also had an off-brand bean bag pet dog named Brofie who was exceedingly violent and could also talk
le tits now
I think it's safe to say Pounce's archetype turned into the proto-Benedict except with my adolescence and adulthood layered onto him which made him Shitty But Also Hot In A Stupid Way
le tits now
Prance is best represented by Rosemarie, one of the characters in my comic who I used to RP but don't anymore
le tits now
and the youngest sister was Flip the white cat, who had the quietest personality and mostly kept to herself but with weird hobbies and I think she was also a klepto or something like that, this was kind of towards the end of that phase of my life
le tits now
I'll match her with Fifi
le tits now
Barrow I'll say is an amalgam of Zip and Nip even if the other one wasn't mine, but he was just kinda laid-back and let everyone boss him around and as such was spared most of the antagonism. and Zip was just a Good Guy. he was the straight man
le tits now
the pattern with all of our characters was generally that the girls and women were screechy violent hellions who had all the fun and the boys/men were their cowering servants just trying to exist
le tits now
deeply problematic
le tits now
I would also be remiss if I didn't include the Slies (plural for Sly), who were like. semi-feral agents of chaos who basically operated by cartoon rules and existed to torment the normal people of the world
le tits now
I was very into Animaniacs as a kid but they were like less cognizant than the Warners
le tits now
I dont' have anyone analogous to Sly anymore. Sly is in everyone I think
le tits now
pure id
le tits now
anyway some of you met Kelly at the baby shower, she was my bff and we extensively developed all these characters together on the school bus and our crown jewel was an entire musical that we made up in an afternoon for some fucking reason
le tits now
the most important factor of any stories I made up as a kid was that they were always extremely cartoonishly violent and dramatic and everyone was a bad person, which is to say absolutely nothing has changed
le tits now
thanks for coming to my ted talk
third muleteer
third muleteer
I'd pay money for that musical
gayest uncle
thrilled with all of this content
amazing knowledge
le tits now
it's deep lore
all of this is INCREDIBLE
which one of them most often fell out of your barbie car?
and also which kind of barbie car
le tits now
it was the corvette
le tits now
and I’m sure I orchestrated it such that pounce and/or zip fell out the most