Negative CR and me.
I'm going to be straight up, I have been on the receiving end of weaponized negative CR, courtesy of That Mod at Carpe Horas, thus... I am really leery of negative CR.
If someone wants negative CR, I want a heads up for it first.
If your character is the canonic enemy of mine, I would prefer if you Talked to me about it first before, say, your Chris Redfield starts organizing an army to take out my Wesker.
If it's the Mastermind from DBD, that's another story. He deserves it, but Deer1/Deer2!sker has had almost three years of character development, thus while we'd hardly call him a good guy, he's not bent on wrecking the world in order to save it any time soon.
So, long story short, if you want negative CR from me, please let me know where you're coming from with it, so I'm not wondering if you're using it as a stick to beat me with for whatever arbitrary reason
That said, I am a huge simp for Enemies to Allies/Friends. It happened at Deer2 between Wes and Leon.
Helps that they don't actually meet in canon, but then again, Leon completely upended Wes's plans for the Plaga sample in RE4.
If Wesker makes a cameo in REmake4 and they don't include the "That Leon fellow" line, I will be annoyed (and if it's true that Conor Fogarty is voicing Wes, I trust him with that line. He manages to sound like a hybrid of both Richard Waugh and DC Douglas, so best of both Weses??)