How could Taylor Nation ask me to pick ONE song for each era. Easiest way to send me into a panic.
I still did it tho
Yeah I basically answered it as what’s my most listened to at this very moment because there is no way I could truly ever pick (except ivy for evermore, that’s a constant)
Josie : I somehow managed to put something together. It was excruciating though. IVY IS EVERYTHING. I put champagne problems for evermore. I was stuck between Ivy and CP. CP is one of my go to karaoke songs though.
I have two ivy inspired tattoos so I’m committed to Her
Josie : I love that! I'm saving up for a combo tattoo for Cruel Summer/ Midnight Rain. My best friend drew it for me. Cruel Summer is my fave song. I'm going to pass out from scream singing it on the tour. ( SHE HAS TO PLAY IT)
I will be truly shocked if she doesn’t, there’s such a love and demand for it especially after Lover Fest got canceled
Josie : That's true. It's perfect to play for a concert too. I can't believe tour is starting soon! I've been waiting for this for 16 years. I never was able to go and the fact I get the ERAS tour is just too perfect.
Same! My first time seeing her live after being a fan since hearing Tim McGraw on the radio as a kid
Josie : YES! I'm so happy you get to go as well. I'm going to the Nashville show. Night 2. I'm even making the friendship bracelets to pass out to other Swifties.