[cleaning saga] I cleaned my apartment to my dad's standards but ran out of time to give the bathroom a scrubbing down and I learned today that my mom's making the return trip with us and so now I'm stressed all over again and high key want to cry
My mom's the picky one and I told her my depression was bad and between that and because I was sick I've fallen behind on chores
She looked not happy and asked when the last time I cleaned my toilet was which idek it's not been top priority but I lied and told her last week
witch people
like sorry that my crippling depression makes things hard idk
witch people
That should absolutely be more than reason enough, and I'm sorry your mom's getting on you despite that
I'm sorry your parents sound like dicks. Fuck the toilet. You are more important. huuuuugs
parents are the worst and they should by nature of being your fucking parents understand that you matter more than the state of your room - and maybe the state of your room is an expression of how the fuck you feel.
sorry they're being dicks about it. hugs
Bing Bong
wtf. I'm so sorry
ᴡɪɴᴄʜᴇꜱᴛᴇʀ ᴡɪʟᴅ
oof that suuuucks, man. how frustrating :/
My mom has this thing in her head that because they're helping with rent while I job hunt that my apartment should be kept to their standards
Which is so fucking hypocritical because they hire a cleaning lady so like??? You're not even??? Keeping up with your own?? House???
And I agree it's absolutely a reflection on how I'm doing mentally cityscape and they should be more worried about THAT
Bing Bong
LOL if they want your apt to match their house, they can hire a cleaning lady for you too. mental health has physical symptoms!!
Right? Or don't set standards you yourself cannot reach