tsuchinoko real
tsuchinoko real
https://images.plurk.com/11MLwlZBQXUwtS9Mh2bgj9.png THE LITTLEST OF LITTLE GUYS
tsuchinoko real
i love that tribes always give you a wind-up toy minion but no this is a whole-ass loporrit he's just smol
tsuchinoko real
(also he's essentially azem but bnuuy how appropriate)
tsuchinoko real
https://images.plurk.com/2Fq3JZwgqu2YvNKbGPPaRh.png you're doing amazing, sweetie
tsuchinoko real
https://images.plurk.com/1B2pU0a47Z4OKglPVi7OtI.png https://images.plurk.com/2ezzaRtDvExCQ5WXDBQx5b.png https://images.plurk.com/3iEMc0K6RVJvaTixny6uTg.png https://images.plurk.com/M7JNKNTh8d8xnjAxa26fV.png
tsuchinoko real
tsuchinoko real
I love how Puddingway is That Guy among the loporrits, if you suggest him instead of cookingway they immediately shut you down because he'll get pudding everywhere and ruin the machines
tsuchinoko real
and after the restaurant opens Cookingway warns you to order your pudding now before he shows up
tsuchinoko real
https://images.plurk.com/4py3Ta3cTxhH0AFLu04JXk.png I also found my chocobo's giant twin