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戴佩妮 Penny Tai - 街角的祝福 Blessing From The Street Corne...
10th man theory, the God of devils advocate

why so serious
坐進牛排餐廳藉著酥皮濃湯填補昨日晚講內容觸發條件 未及處理的深層焦慮、邊看瓊斯鎮事件分散注意同時花費小半氣力屏蔽背景音樂,忽然間一句比我還重要 就這樣鑽進耳朵。
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你的快樂 我可以感受得到
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“ So we decided to make a change.
If nine of us look at the same information arrive at the exact same conclusion, it’s the duty of the tenth man to disagree. No matter how improbable it may seem, the tenth man has to start digging with the assumption that the other nine were wrong. ”

- And you were the tenth man.

“ Precisely. ”
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https://images.plurk.com/vpI5Y7NmOuYzYTrygkgtG.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1HAKRfT2ra3HZtyhEotW0W.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1K3WWYMQh4igOs4tgm6sSl.jpg