boodle boy
I've been in kind of weird RP place this month so apologies if I've been kind of slow and/or disengaged
wraps around you. you've been great!!
boodle boy
THERE'S NO REAL REASON EITHER just that time of year. March into April is always weird for me?? The coming of spring, daylight savings, pisces season, pick your poison u_u
boodle boy
I've been feeling pretty lumpy about my writing and that's been feedback looping into being slower, but
boodle boy
boodle boy
I did feel like I turned a corner and wrote some good tags yesterday.
grips your shoulder... i won't wax rhapsodic about your writing if you aren't looking for that BUT
boodle boy
I took some time to do some reading instead of writing too, sometimes that really helps me when I notice I'm getting too in my own head with writing and not enjoying it
i could and would. you're a special one.
boodle boy
Also sometimes it does help to say it out loud instead of just stewing in your own juices you know
absolutely! acknowledge the beast and rob it of its power
boodle boy
starfaring: 𝟷𝟹𝟺𝟹𝟺𝟶. : reaching for you both across the void
boodle boy
fermentingbones : I wouldn't say no to a buttpat from my personal buttpatter (you)
boodle boy
I am gonna take a shower and get this evening relaxed and good. I'm feeling CAUTIOUSLY OPTIMISTIC but I'm not going to push myself too hard or beat myself up about it.
boodle boy
tagging will make me feel more engaged too
if u wanna do something chill and such i will try to be around!
The ability to be extremely funny, extremely thoughtful, extremely great at turning a phrase, and also just extremely FUN to play with is not something you usually find in one person! I don't know if it's apparent from your side of things, but from the side of people playing with you I need you to know how wonderful it is
you and me both
to play against someone so genuinely interested in the arcs and emotions and journeys of the characters you get CR with. Like, I know maybe better than anyone, because we talk about it on our little couch, but the amount of genuine feeling you have for
characters from canons you've never watched/played/read/whatever... it speaks to how engaging and fun you are to write with! Because you treat the arcs of those players with the same amount of weight and fun as you would your own. In this kind of hobby, that skillset is INVALUABLE
And beyond that, you are a dialogue master, you are great at weaving together threads, and you have a very fun view of how to build arcs in a collaborative writing setting. I don't think I would be anywhere near as invested as I am in xim if I didn't learn about all of it through your eyes first!
Everyone is SO talented here, obviously, but your enthusiasm and warmth for your CR is so contagious.
And as someone who has played every version of CR with you before across characters/time/space/etc, I can tell you that anybody who gets the chance to play ANY VERSION of ANYTHING with you is lucky af
'cuz you give a shit, man, and that's very cool!!!
i hope your butt is warmed my friend
I feel like I didn't hit on your writing that much but mostly just because IT IS SO APPARENT TO ME THAT YOU'RE WONDERFUL AT IT, but you are. and that is part and parcel with why playing with you is such a joy!
oh can i cosign this
🌸 Mɪᴋᴏᴛᴏʙᴀ
i am also cosigning you rock sam
𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 。
this is precious, everyone root for the sam support brigade
boodle boy
fermentingbones Emmmmm, youre so sweet to me this means a lot
boodle boy
I can’t wait to play more with you lmksmlsmldl
boodle boy
I can’t believe this is our first time being castmates in a game and we have done ONE THREAD and it was where we talking about all the other characters in the game because we’re both psychopaths
LMAO YEP... listen, we know our brand. and our brand is knowing everyone else is cooler than us
boodle boy
boodle boy
𝟷𝟹𝟺𝟹𝟺𝟶. I OWE YOU A STARTER, that is on my agenda for this evening if all goes well
NO WORRIES FRIEND i am slow as molasses
I know this stuff tends to be internal but agreeing with other people and adding your tags have been wonderful and I really enjoy them, but also please take your time. It's okay to give yourself days off of tagging and just enjoy other things
or just chill or w/e!
boodle boy
YES very true. That’s why i took some time to do some reading, and trying to do some other stuff when I’m not clicking with RP, instead of trying to strongarm my way through
boodle boy
I do think that tends to help a lot and is good to remember when I’m feeling down about whatever i am or am not doing
yeah!! And I find that when I tell myself "I am not tagging today" I always feel better than when I'm like "i'm gonna tag" and then don't
giving yourself permission to just relax can be so helpful ime
boodle boy
Yeah, that permission really makes a surprising difference!
𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳
bundles everyone in this plurk up and KISSES THEM
Yes, for sure, giving yourself reset time and allowing yourself to relax is important, enjoy! More things! And tell yourself yes, it's good and okay, and I don't need to be "on it" all the time
boodle boy
This is very good advice, and you guys are really sweet and supportive thank you
boodle boy
I gave myself a little treat of some new icons, which is often VERY MOTIVATING
this is an excellent treat, and good! be good to yourself, it's an important part of what we should do for ourselves (like many of us tend to do for those we care for)