Guardian Bear J
6 Minutes... will I be pleased? Will I be soul-crushingly disappointed?
Why not both?
Listen J
Guardian Bear J
That is this series' hallmark, isn't it
I know we all want Pokemon Sleep
But it isn’t happening
Guardian Bear J
Pokemon Let's Go, Home, & Sleep
Guardian Bear J
The promised land
Guardian Bear J
Honestly, I just want my Aron... gimme my Aron and I am a happy J.
Guardian Bear J
... And something good for endgame. Raids are nice, but they've gotten a bit old.
Guardian Bear J
30 seconds...
Guardian Bear J
I'm unsure if that pikachu is cute or uncanny valley.
Guardian Bear J
... Pokemon World Championships. Yawn.
Guardian Bear J
Seriously, look at this thing.
Guardian Bear J
Guardian Bear J
Pokemon TCG..
Guardian Bear J
Correction, Pokemon TCG Classic. because you gotta gouge those card game players.
Guardian Bear J
New Pokemon Adventure, in tandem with Netflix... probably the new series?
Guardian Bear J
Nope, Pokemon Concierge?
Guardian Bear J
a series at a pokemon resort, with many pokemon guests.
Guardian Bear J
That pikachu is CREEPY...
Guardian Bear J
Ah, game news coming...
Guardian Bear J
Utsonomiya with Pokemon Scarlet and Violet news... AFTER other games.

Starting with Unite. Again, yawn.
Guardian Bear J
Unite had potential, but ugh, the balance in the game is atrocious and the matchmaking is terrible.
Guardian Bear J
Pokemon... food? Are we getting a ratatouille with pikachu? ... Ah, pokemon cafe, of course.
Guardian Bear J
For just a second, I was hoping this was Black and White, but I'm pretty sure it's Masters...
Guardian Bear J
Yep, Masters. Champions Marnie, Bede, and Hop with their respective birds
Guardian Bear J
... Pokemon Sleep???
Guardian Bear J
Cute video, but what IS it?
Guardian Bear J
""the idea behind pokemon sleep is to be a game that makes you look forward to waking up in the morning"
Guardian Bear J
... Keep your phone by your bed, record your sleep, and pokemon that sleep with similar styles as you will join you.
Guardian Bear J
... Seems... interesting?
Guardian Bear J
Pokemon Go++, a new accessory for pokemon sleep AND pokemon go.
Guardian Bear J
Guardian Bear J
Guardian Bear J
Available soon after the update goes live? ... Interesting.
Guardian Bear J
Guardian Bear J
And more old pokemon
Guardian Bear J
Wasn't fast enough to grab a screenshot of that, dangit...
Guardian Bear J
Whoops, showed the Paradox screenshot twice...
I can't believe instead of a dog Suicune was a dinosaur in the past
Guardian Bear J
J doesn't need Pokemon Sleep cuz we all know he's a Snorlax already /runs
Guardian Bear J
Where's the lie?
Guardian Bear J
Guardian Bear J
Overall impressions... Cautiously optimistic, but not yet Wow'd.
Guardian Bear J
At least I'm not disappointed.
I'm honestly disappointed by only getting new uniforms instead of please for the love of god let us have proper fashion...