❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
"Hey, you know that hacking cough of yours? I think it's a really great sound." pls don't do this to me Jabari
wo ai ni ★
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
I'm trying to get him to start saying "good boy" instead with lots of praise and seeb. He usually drops a phrase if I don't respond to it? That's how we conquered the slurs.
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
He's still going to threaten violence at the vet but I think it's agreed that him yelling I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU when she checks him over while he's wrapped inside his Bad Bird Burrito is hilarious.
wo ai ni ★
.... No, yeah, that is like YouTube video of the year material
omg please
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
Thanks to the pandemic and clinic policies, I'm not sure if he's done it in recent years since I haven't been in the room with him, but the first time the vet told me I was FLOORED.
wo ai ni ★
I still laugh thinking about it
i bet he was the talk of the office the whole day
marimoneki neko
I love your terrible birb but oh my god sweetie no coughs
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
He's stopped making the creaking sound my front door makes whenever it's opened, at least. He used to do THAT in the middle of the night.
wo ai ni ★
does he stioll try to turn on the lights
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
wo ai ni ★ : "Alexa" has dropped from his vocabulary. I just realized I can't remember the last time he said it.
wo ai ni ★
momtheir has taken the fun