Mad Larkin
[work] another day, another moment of being apparently expected to know more than my supervisor and to keep track of everything even when she doesn't
Mad Larkin
when offshore sends an email stating something and she doesn't reply to it telling them to do differently, I'm going to assume it's fine
Mad Larkin
I am not the boss here
Mad Larkin
I am not the one who is expected to know everything and keep on top of everything
Mad Larkin
that's your fucking jobn
Mad Larkin
Mad Larkin
"it's inappropriate, you need to catch things like this, I'm extremely busy!"
Mad Larkin
is it
Mad Larkin
is it inappropriate, when offshore sends an email to let you know?
Mad Larkin
I'm 99% sure the author hasn't seen this file yet
Mad Larkin
that the queries being taken off is the wrong move, since the client will have to reinstate them or else they'll be missed by the author
Mad Larkin
who hasn't seen it
Mad Larkin
but if I stick my neck out, my head gets bitten off, so fine, I'll send the feedback and make more work down the line
Mad Larkin
(yes, I tried to explain this to her, but like every other fucking time, it's like talking to a brick wall)
Mad Larkin
if she's too busy to supervise this project properly, she should ask for help or for someone else to talk over or something
Mad Larkin
I did not sign up to do her job, that's not my job