The longer I write Rren, the longer their list of fun negative traits grows.
Initially I was like yes they come across as cold because they pretend they don't have emotions out of habit because they didn't used to. But uh... that actually does not seem to be a problem for them. It's fine. There are plenty of other problems
You know what their manner of speech/tone does come across as instead? 1) A kid trying too hard to be taken seriously(their size doesn't help this) 2) Arrogant and condescending. 3) Sometimes both at the same time!
Rren's fatal flaws: 1) Temper (I think they'd have one anyway, but suppressing emotions just makes it WORSE) 2) Arrogant (yeah they actually are) 3) Rash (They will make very impulsive decisions and keep going with them out of pride even when they realize they are a mistake) 4) PETTY
Positive traits: 1) They care about other people a GREAT deal 2) They are very bright like, not just in purely analytical ways 3) Artistic, mostly abstracts, but they have an eye for colors. 4) Willing to try new things with minimal kicking and screaming. (They have informed me that some is mandatory, they do not make the rules. Hello Khell's influence.)
Vaguely related because H'Naal was Rren's captain. Thanks to joking elsewhere I'm now actively picturing H'Naal visiting Darren(a Starfleet Captain) and playing poker (meanwhile seeing how much he can steal out from under Darren's nose.)
Darren inviting H'Naal over for poker so he can distract him while his husband(A Fenris Ranger) steals back everything H'Naal stole during his last visit.
Anyway, I am stuck on ANYTHING from Enki in the event for Misrecalled. So uh... more Rren, maybe? I guess coin flip. Heads I bring them back to face the music for wandering off without telling anyone. Tails, they got LOST and are wandering further from the group rather than making their way back -cough-
Heads it is. Sorry Rren, you might actually have to admit you were wrong. Will you? Prolly not.
Oop. Think I found the reason I was struggling with Enki and the event. Look, I was stuck on how anxious he is like... all the time and not considering that in a crisis he is far more likely to shift to logic instead. -facepalm- I'm glad my chars fight me rather than allowing me to write them OOC? I suppose?
...very belated, but booooy do I feel that last bit. (LOL)