"There was one image I had of some chairs on the street in Hong Kong that were reassembled—like, someone had wired a wooden post to them, and they had this beautiful remade, handmade quality to them.
Craig zeroed in on them and said, “That’s the show right there.” That became our mandate: The built world is unbuilt and rebuilt, and I used images like that to guide me"
"so, making sure that they were realistically broken down in age, but maybe there’s still a little sexiness to them, still a little beauty, still a little allure, whether it’s a sign or a car or a parking meter. I wanted to try to have that sense of wonder for her.
But then of course, Joel’s point of view is, “Every day is a shit sandwich and I take a bite.” There’s also that sadness and melancholy. Finding that balance, wonder and melancholy, was something that I found interesting and always tried to think about."
一些名場面還原+致敬有夠美的,好喜歡菇菇蔓生的廢墟美 102-105
上一次對於愛情結局感覺和大眾差異最大應該是La La Land lol那部結局我也是覺得兩個人生贏家沒什麼遺憾啊為什麼大家覺得很可惜……