Pumpqueen Fall
alskdjasl;kdja Moosey and I are watching MASH for the inifnity-th time and--
Pumpqueen Fall
Me: I mean yeah, if I can't watch MASH, I can't watch anything
Moosey: It has happened before
CC: Yeah but bad days happen. It might again - I won't say WILL because I have to get REALLY bad but...
Moosey: Yes no one WANTS bad days
Pumpqueen Fall
Also me: I can watch this without getting emo about not working, so that's fine. This is fine. I'll just enjoy the directing and stuff ^_^
Moosey: /picks the directing movie episode :V
Also Moosey: I like that they don't make any the characters evil
CC: well yeah, most people anti-war do like humans \:|/
Moosey: Even the generals are kind of not really
Pumpqueen Fall
caricatures of evil
CC: Most generals are anti-war \:|/ because they know why it's a last resort. We're just in a kind of fucky state in America right now which... I have to fix... I should work on that MASH 2 but I have to fix the economy to do it Can you just imagine how worse we'd be without MASH and the like?
Moosey: D: D: D: I don't wanna
I love it when it's been long enough since I watched a show that I've forgotten some of the little jokes/quips between characters.
Pumpqueen Fall
The episode where they make Henry come back feigning Radar is sick --
Moosey: Poor Henry, this gets him killed
CC: ............................... D: Watching this with you was a mistake
I like what I see
So maybe you'd play some homm2 if I got this going~? >:3
Pumpqueen Fall