Oxygen Venus
what is your experience with self checkout? I'm terrible with it but practicing! grocery purchase
Gogo ♔
i loathe it. there's just not enough space for everything and it's costing someone an entry level job. boycottselfcheckout
having been a cashier i can say that its costing no one a job because they never had enough people scheduled to begin with. i love self checkout because then i don't have to deal with waiting in the long ass line anymore. i am able to do it quickly but that's probably because of my job experience doing cashier work.
when i worked at walmart we had no self checkouts, they would only schedule 4 cashiers to work the front per shift. i worked in electronics. the lines would get so long they would come back to where i was with their massive grocery cart hauls and expect us to ring them up on our little counter.
I dont like them, it's fine for people who prefer them but I rather have a human there. I always end up bothering the people anyways who then have to help 6 people at a time instead of 1. The robots always get upset I dont put the things in correctly or w/e. I'm adjusting to it but mostly I will avoid if I have can
Sky Chicken
I'd never date one.
Jay Giano
The machines themselves have gotten a lot better, i remember when it first came out it was horrible having to replace items in the weighted area and it wasn't registered right so you had to call someone, it was a nightmare. The new ones are a breeze and makes life so much easier especially if you're in a hurry
Jay Giano
I saw one at a gas station that you didn't even need to scan it, it automatically took image of the items you place down and priced it for you, most of the time in gas stations you're buying less than 10 items so it makes sense for quick checkouts
They've gotten much better. Using my own bags used to be a pain point.