valentimes hw
1. Currently taken? Single? Crush?
Single Ladies
Most of these are non-serious crushes tbh teehee bonk
2. Celebrates/Does Not Celebrate Valentines?
Haters Incorporated (Vida does get candy for her friends tho)
Celebrates by volunteering!!!
does going to the club to find a hook up and buying candy the next day count as celebrating
1. Stuffed or Plain?
2. Favorite Flavor of Chocolate?
Milk Chocolate
Dark Chocolate
95% cacao :-)
White Chocolate
Does Not Care For Chocolate tbh
3. Quality of Handmade Chocolate
0 <3
1. Do they like receiving gifts?
Barbara does not care about gifts. she puts it somewhere and forgets she has it
cries, screams, and vows to give a gift back!!!
Kinda hard to shop for, dislikes receiving food
tries snatching it b4 she's received it
2. Do they like receiving sweet words?
Receiving compliments/hearing nice things just sound like sarcasm to her
(outwardly) i see :^| (inwardly) dying of joy
crying, screaming, running in circles while hyperventilating SHE IS VERY OVERWHELMED
"weird but ok"
3. Gift Giving?
Just sends a few grams
Usually includes instructions on how to make tea from flowers when giving flowers or offers to show her friends how to do it
does not even send grams <3
sends grams and buys drinks for her friends
she has no money 8^( settles for just valentines grams or sharing her snacks as a compromise
sends grams, plans dates, buys balloons and snacks, also gives kisses ;-)
sends grams, calls it a day
4. Prefers to Give: Handmade or Store Bought Gifts?
something she found in her apartment ten minutes before she left, so both store bought and handmade
The only gifts she gives is things she knits so they take up less space, so handmade!
5. Preferred Gifts to receive?
not necessarily valentines related, but she's received many gifts from her maman and they don't mean as much as the handmade things her dad gifts her (although if her mom commissions her art/clothes/glassware, it's more meaningful) so, custom commissions and food/snacks!
she loves when people make things for her and all their little oddities, like a knit sweater with a few gaps in it or a fun playlist. however does not trust homemade food from her employees.
nothing <3
designer goods, jewelry, alcohol, but sometimes she also appreciates someone just covering her tab at a restaurant :-)
aome loves all gifts, but if it's something that will further her business like a good suit or a laptop, she is over The Moon
i feel like the only thing she trusts people to buy her is clothes for exercising. the type to link a wishlist :/
she loves jewelry and plants, buy her a tomato plant and she's Over the Moon (they keep dying)
1. Blind Date?
No <3
sure! why not? :-D

2. Dressing Up?
Would hypothetically show up in a hoodie and jeans
dress nicely, but also looking visibly disheveled from spending hours picking out her outfit
dressed practically enough so she can still do activities with her date, but still dressed cute!
The Same As She Always Is
her tits? out! but to balance it out, her legs are away. gotta make them work for the whole experience 💅
dressed cuter than she usually does with frills and maybe curls her hair a little bit
puts on a collared shirt and leaves her jorts n joggers at home to wear some sensible dress pants
dresses cute since that's the one thing she puts effort into these days <3 her hair will be Very Large
3. Early/Ontime/Late
The restaurant has already closed
Did Not Show Up At All
4. Quiet or Rowdy?

5. Prefers Outdoor or Indoor?

6. Prefers: Full Day or Few Hours?
One Hour
Few Hours
Full Day
7. Describe Your OC's Dream Partner
brings her food now and again then leaves
an intelligent and/or passionate person that entertains her interests, also must have lots of patience
someone fun who is open about their feelings and willing to communicate! ruby has no time for games, she is an adult
bang and then leave
just needs to inflate her ego and be good in bed B-)
someone who is kind and passionate! she's easy to please
all women........... are queens!
zero arguments just vibes
1. Love Language
Acts of Service
Quality Time
Quality Time
Physical Touch if you catch her meaning
Words of Affirmation (mostly gives words of humiliation)
Acts of Service
Physical Touch
Quality Time
2. Sweetest Love Stories Sweetest Demonstrations of Love from RPs
i mean. does the patience and kindness suzy has shown her thus far count. that's pretty damn sweet!!!!!!
getting to talk through aislinn's problems and talk her down from being too defeatist was peak romance to me if i'm gonna be real
i'm gonna be real i don't think about my ocs love lives much outside of the context of the rp, they're kind of blank slates dating wise most of the time. i only think of them in terms of like. formative experiences (so, embarrassing things)
3. Embarrassing/Horror Love Story
her first kiss was in high school was barely a kiss. they just kind of knocked their teeth into each other and laid on the ground in pain
gestures to her past relationship i mentioned in her backstory
was confessed to once while she was in high school, then when given time to think over their offer, she brought the wrong person aside to reject the original confession (she couldn't tell who she was talking with because of her glasses)
i forgot vida canonically went on the date from hell where she had to free dani from the clutches of lani
okay i'm done thanks for reading and if any of your ocs decide to romance these weirdos....................... god speed
I adore vida so much ... ever since I interacted with her with Azur I’m like... that’s a daughter of mine Pepewow
zeyez THEY LOVE YOU!!!!!!! (well, most of them. haters incorporated are like that. )
yuli_oc dihjdohi thank you for adoring her.... Vida Has Now Been Adopted azur will be the one exception to her preference for homemade gifts. he is only allowed to give her lore and money
Lore and money is a no, but he would give hugs and a shoulder to hit and cry on 😥maybe lore too
yuli_oc vida voice) tch
bored and gonna do this meme for my married/crushing NPCs (or uh, I guess off screen NPC in doralee's case)
"Betsy, Elena has a crush?!" not really, I just think she'd thrive during Valentine's day LMFAO
1. Single/Taken/Crushing?
single and nursing silly fleeting crushes now and again
married since da year 2000
married since 1995?? I think???
very obvious crush on Rozalin but she's big dummy hours + rozalin's push and pull routine makes her a lil
2. Celebrates Valentine's Day?
gets candy for all friends and family! happy to either spend the night in with her husband or go out for a nice meal 😳 excuse to get dressed up--
prattana prepares treats for her clients and family, then will show up at rozalin's place to see if she is occupied with her suitors or is willing to Entertain her that day
idk if school is back in session yet, but she'd bring a bunch of candy she made at home to school!!! she didn't get to experience the joys of elementary school valentines, so she's giving everyone in her class something LOL
doralee does the most for nearly every holiday. she covers the house in more pink and hearts than usual, finds ways to treat her wife everyday for a week straight, then on the day itself, she's taking the day off to go on the most perfect date with an impeccable schedule. (if anything goes wrong, doralee panics and hurriedly makes Many phone calls)
1. Stuffed/Plain?

2. Favorite Flavor?
Dark Chocolate
Milk Chocolate
Had it not been for her desire to keep her complexion flawless, she would eat ten bars of white chocolate a day
3. Your OC makes some chocolate! How good is it?
1. There's a reason her husband does all the cooking.
4. Would not be the most decorative, but would taste damn good.
3. Elena puts her heart and soul into it and it turns out ugly but still pretty good!
2. It looks beautiful, but tastes mediocre. :-(
1. Do they like receiving gifts?
Yes!! But she often ends up having something already if it isn't custom made since the minute she wants something, she buys it.
Sometimes feels guilty when people buy her stuff, usually ends up feeling obligated to return the favor. So... yes and no?
Elena appreciates ALL gestures of kindness... even when she doesn't like something, the gesture itself makes her insanely happy. can't bring herself to do a store return ever
LOVES gifts, but also a stickler for quality. The type to return a gift she doesn't like the very next day.
2. Do they like receiving sweet words?
considering nazanin is near constantly fishing for attention from the people she loves, absolutely. TELL HER SHE'S PRETTY
Prattana loves heartfelt, sincere compliments, but is less convinced by shallow ones and sees right thru them. so, it kind of depends!
Elena gets very flustered when people say nice things about her, causing her face to turn bright red and her to giggle nervously. she does like it, but doesn't like how flushed she gets!!
doralee had a lot of complexes about sweet, empty words since her mother was always saying them to worm her way back into her heart and doralee always fell for it, but her trust has come a long way. so yes, she loves sweet talk! 😌
3. What do they give on Valentine's Day?
she knows her husband isn't big on flashy, expensive gifts, so she usually buys him smaller things like new earrings from small businesses that aren't too flashy or food! kids + friends get chocolate + grams!
usually gets rozalin a nice bottle of wine, dark chocolate, and flowers. she then spends like an hour arranging the flowers in a vase perfectly--
the chocolates she makes are vaguely alien shaped and often have fruit inside that are dyed neon green with food coloring... "why" she likes green <3
gets a gift for her wife every day leading up to Valentine's day 😌 balloons, new monogrammed slippers, fresh towels, snacks, anything she could possibly want. the kids and friends get specialty chocolate boxes courtesy of Adoraleeble <3
4. Prefers to give Handmade or Store bought?
nazanin often commissions custom works for gifts. she can't make anything so, handmade bought thru a store
Prattana goes low-key with her gifts, so she definitely likes to do things like cook for people or fix something in their house. so, handmade I guess? sometimes buys wine tho
Elena's mom is pretty strict about finances and Elena has little concept of money, so she defaults to handmade!
she's sending out custom monogramed pajamas, chocolate, etc. she doesn't often do the monograming herself, so it's handmade but not handmade by herself--
5. Preferred Gifts?
nazanin has been spoiled by having a husband that gifts her custom made leather goods, so she loves getting custom made clothes, accessories, etc
Prattana feels kind of awkward getting any gifts that are too expensive, the type to appreciate a well made dish over like. a new ipad.
ELENA LOVES IT ALL!! she does love when someone takes the time to make something for her however, so handmade gifts are slightly preferred over store bought
doralee prefers to receive practical things she can use often, like food, clothes, and new appliances. the food nourishes her body, her clothes make her presentable, etc etc
1. Blind dates?
married so no lol
she already has one embarrassing crush she doesn't need another one (no)
in theory yes, but i think she'd be a little uncomfortable in reality since she's never been on a date!!! it'd be too much pressure!!! and she prefers to be friends first b4 dating!! so, no
2. Do they Dress Up for dates?
Gets out her finest little black dress and Louboutins!!! she used to be much more outrageous (giant fur coat, floor length ball gown), but has definitely toned it down
puts on a nice three piece suit and maybe slicks her hair back, a little bit of unisex cologne, you know totes casual
elena doesn't know how to dress herself very well, so she'd probably ask her mom for help. her mother is a lawyer, so elena will be showing up to the date in a Power Suit
always! gonna wear a pretty dress, doll up her hair, wear a stylish pair of heels, ten hours of skincare prep the day before, etc etc. Forever Extra
3. Early/On Time/Late for Dates
On Time
Late (was standing away from the meet up location trying to get over her nerves for like ten extra minutes)
4. Prefers Quiet or Rowdy Dates?
Rowdy (the outside chaos will distract from how nervous she is)

5. Indoor or Outdoor Dates?
Outdoor (she loves gardens, walking around town, riding horses, etc etc)
6. Full Day or Couple of Hours?
Couple of Hours (if she had her way every time, it'd be all day, but she respects if her husband needs his space)
Full Day
7. Describe their Dream Partner
copy pastes her HC016 "someone smart, fun to talk to, a little rough around the edges, gets flustered when she's being too flirty, maybe a little protective, likes to spoil her with handmade gifts, passionate, teases her sometimes---"
at this point, prattana just wants someone that isn't too demanding in terms of emotional support. she's had so many gfs that basically use her to work thru their problems rather than actually date her.
rashan hamada
someone a little taller than her, cute dimples, dark hair, beautiful golden eyes, sweet smile, loves her regardless of her flaws, maybe a little ditzy but she thinks that's mega cute, looks really cool smithing---
1. Love Language
Quality Time
Acts of Service
Quality Time
Gift Giving
2. Sweet Love Stories
when nazanin and rieker were starting to Get Invested, they would sometimes fall asleep on the couch together and rieker's sisters would take pictures of them leaning on e/o mostly for Sibling Teasing, but the sweet part is that kd confirmed rieker would still have some of those pictures... the yearning years
even tho her date with rozalin was pretty short since i def ended up putting them in the backseat for other stuff, i really enjoyed them sharing takoyaki together and dressing up together
i think its very romantic that doralee and idunn met, became fast friends, then dedicated themselves to each other the minute they understood they were Destiny. doralee definitely has a lot of hang ups, but realized idunn wasn't going to go away no matter how much she worried she would... mmm, that's some good shit
3. Embarrassing Love Stories
unfortunately rieker's sisters' teasing didn't end there, they also faxed the pictures to nazanin's sisters. for years, nazanin's sisters would tease her about it and she had NO IDEA why since they were never very specific about it. once nazanin learned why her sisters were teasing her all those years....
gestures at prattana's unfortunate dating history. i don't have any specific stories, but my god she really dated some unfortunate folks
none yet. but considering how she is.... it might be only a matter of time
her mother jolene showed up to eddie's birth to congratulate her on her wedding an entire year(?) late jolene did not even know her daughter's wife was about to have a baby.
ok now i'm done part 2