a girl in love
[meme] ask me nsfw questions, a different set
Yuki 5,7,19
a girl in love
https://images.plurk.com/7oqTaKGj5DkUlTRrNHJtDz.png https://images.plurk.com/6szrkXo27xyVeOe3XzYujC.png while looking for this question set I instead found this again. it remains true
God of Brats
i was so fucking confused by solomon being in the bottom row and then
a girl in love
forwardrelentlessly : 5. What kink/fetish is your character most embarrassed/ashamed of having (or would be if they knew they had it)? frankly the day he finds out he has fetishes it's over for him
a girl in love
pr well he's partway between that and actually not being that embarrassed about any of them because they feel pretty natural to him
a girl in love
there is a clear winner for worst most embarrassing fetish though which is hatesex.
a girl in love
God of Brats : I had to adapt
a girl in love
7. Does your character more enjoy being the dominant partner or the submissive partner, or are they a total switch? Is that usually the role they end up in, in relationships? Do they think of themself more as one way, but would actually prefer the other if they tried it? predominantly top with a LITTLE bit of switch capacity
a girl in love
if you can pry open his iron grip on his gender neuroses
a girl in love
wait I conflated this as a top/bottom question but it's dom/sub. he kind of also conflates the two anyway though
a girl in love
in general though the amount he behaves in a more passive and reserved and unaggressive manner is proportional to how uncomfortable he is; the more he trusts someone and relaxes with them the more he gets very forward
a girl in love
so he inclined to top/dom and it sparks more joy and feels like a truer expression of himself and his affection for the other person
a girl in love
but he CAN also let someone else take charge and go along with them and get something out of that too, it is just like, a higher level you need more exp to unlock first
a girl in love
19. How would your character typically go about trying to seduce someone? god he'd be insufferably fucking Japanese about it
a girl in love
like it would be a day of spending time together that also happens to be a series of questions and small gestures meant as an indirect temperature gauge for 'do you want to have sex with me'
a girl in love
can I come over? can I stay the night? can I borrow your shower? touching their hair or fixing their collar at various moments. sitting really close to them. is the heat too high? do you want to watch a movie?
a girl in love
at some point after the other person responds affirmatively to enough of them it's just happening now.
a girl in love
I have no idea where I'd put Gabi on that chart
a girl in love
she is both chaotic and a switch but she is not flirty or a brat. she is just a trainwreck.
4, 6, 13!! is bonus necessary, oh well, it's funny
a girl in love
marie : 4. Is your character generally aware of their kinks/fetishes or oblivious/not yet awakened to them? absolutely generally oblivious.
a girl in love
he has literally had multiple conversations about being a sadist/bully and still doesn't process it that way
a girl in love
he also like. isn't interested in a lot of kinks on visual level which means he just sort of assumes he isn't kinky bc like, for example sexy costumes do nothing for him
a girl in love
a point of someone having big boobs or being a MILF or evoking whatever other porn trope does nothing for him. and that is his surface level understanding of what kinks are as a virgin who lived with Shigure,
a girl in love
I'd say he needs to have sex first but that only helps with identifying things he likes and not with identifying those things as his fetishes.
a girl in love
https://64.media.tumblr.com/9cd78d9f71ca126dd6d9c30e45e8515b/tumblr_oj8bz1xtQl1vym93oo1_500.jpg I can't fine the rest of this omake rn but please know it's about Ayame's shop customers complaining to Yuki about Ayame and Mine doing this right in front of their salads and Yuki internally being like 'why is that weird. that seems great actually'
a girl in love
6. Is there anything that your character would be nervous/afraid to try in bed? Do they have any fears that would also be a turn-on for them? ,,, hugging,,,
a girl in love
he would not want to transform during sex to be clear. he just would still be kind of a wreck about it even if he knew he would not transform. he would want to super bad though.
a girl in love
I do think he would like gently verbally degrading his partner in bed a little but would be bees about trying it cuz he wouldn't actually want them to feel bad.
a girl in love
13. Could your character get off on anything potentially (or definitely) dangerous? in snek, yes because I inflicted it on his objectives list
a girl in love
so at this point his brain does in fact like see someone get stabbed and go nice
a girl in love
in a hatesex context especially he would not have a problem getting off hurting the other person (esp if it's just with his bare hands. feels more natural)
3, 8, 23
a girl in love
in a hatesex context even without the objective he would be up for some amount of like [shoves something in their mouth and violently chokes them] he would not be super diligent about safe breathplay practices
a girl in love
OUTSIDE OF A HATESEX CONTEXT THO he would have a lot of reservations about anything even remotely painful
a girl in love
all of this is "could Yuki get off on something dangerous (to the other person)" but as far as dangerous to himself goes he's not really into it but some things on the lower end of the scale might not be a dealbreaker
a girl in love
like he COULD probably get off while being strangled if the rest of the circumstances suffice. though it wouldn't so much be "getting off on being strangled" as "getting off without being turned off by being strangled"
a girl in love
oh going back to the sadist end also he'd be pretty ok with technically empty threats that don't actually hurt the other person but like, theoretically the threat is there and terrifying. like dangling someone off a roof as long as he feels confident he won't drop them ,
a girl in love
as long as they are someone who would find that kind of thing exciting on some level or else as long as he just hates them.
a girl in love
ZWEICHO BONUS: Zwei attractive yes A+++++ he loves Zwei so much she's the cutest girl ever
a girl in love
he ALSO THINKS ECHO IS REALLY CUTE but he's stupid about it
a girl in love
WANDERER : 3. Which subject or kind of actions do they get more easily flustered by or about, sexual things or more chastely affectionate things? probably moreso chaste things overall but he can get flustered about either or he can be SURPRISINGLY UNFAZED at either depending on the context
a girl in love
like he would die before talking about his sex life in public
a girl in love
but otoh he is actually fine with pda and kissing Zwei in the middle of all of snek at a house party
a girl in love
I lean towards saying chaste things embarrass him more even though he IS kind of a prude and is an affection menace becauseeee generally speaking he's more likely to fluster about things he has some shame or uncertainty about
a girl in love
which includes a lot of stuff re: friendships and his parent complex problems whereas he's actually generally a lot more confident abt his love life which is the only place where sex is that relevant LMAO
a girl in love
he does fluster about sexual subjects in his relationship with Zwei but that is explicitly because he DOESN'T WANT TO RUSH HER AND IS TRYING SUPER HARD NOT TO VIBE LIKE HE EXPECTS ANYTHING
a girl in love
the irony here being that Zwei is the one who's not a virgin here but tbf she doesn't remember that either
a girl in love
but Yuki just wants to take things slow and go through a proper order of things and only progress as Zwei seems comfortable and doesn't want to overwhelm her with too much at once
a girl in love
which leads to him occasionally getting in his head a bit about it cuz he sort of assumes Zwei is still just oblivious mostly.
a girl in love
Captcha Check trying real hard not to be a degenerate like
a girl in love
8. What type of person is your character most attracted to? sort of plain... tsundere.........
a girl in love
'plain' isn't really the right word but I'm not sure what would be. 'average' isn't right either because he likes weirdos. but he likes people who don't actually put a lot into their appearance, (sorry Mochi and Scarabias he does his best to appeal to your vanity anyway)
a girl in love
he's very very emotional connection oriented and to him it's easier to parse the person as their raw self if they're not flashy or dressed up or so on. that sort of thing actually kind of feels like a barrier or a distraction to him
a girl in love
see: he doesn't get costume play because he doesn't want to have sex with Anime Nurse he wants to have sex with his girlfriend
a girl in love
tsunderes are not the only personality type that he's into but they're the biggest one. WHEN PEOPLE GET FLUSTERED IT'S CUTE... it's especially cute if there's a big gap
a girl in love
like they normally seem confident or reserved and then they fluster. that's the good shit
not so secretly a menace
a girl in love
he is generally not into super femme types for either gender tbh. he likes guys who are more boyish, girls who are more neutral
a girl in love
unironically less attracted to Jesper when he's in a dress
a girl in love
he is a menace.
a girl in love
23. Would your character fuck an alien/tentacles/anthro/other sentient nonhuman of some kind? HE WOULD NEED... A LOT OF TIME AND EMOTIONAL INTIMACY FIRST TO COME AROUND TO IT
a girl in love
like ok anything that he can't communicate with is out be default. he's not up for mindless hentai tentacle monster.
a girl in love
but also even kemonomimi level anthro can get into weird territory for him given he does not really have great feelings about his own animal body and also would not want to think about any of his family being sexually viable in those forms either.
a girl in love
on the other hand [the sheer amount of raw emotional vulnerability that would utterly destroy both of them forever involved in the very concept of fucking true form Kyo]
a girl in love
he would still not do that. but not because there is zero appeal whatsoever.
a girl in love
so. it's not completely off the table. but for the most part probably not
a girl in love
MOCHI BONUS: he thinks he's cute but again is stupid about it. Mochi is a little outside his strikezone but personality and just being really comfortable with him more than compensate
a girl in love
imagine Mochi in an oversized sweater or t-shirt or something. the gap... it would be so powerful...
too much power for a single mochi
a girl in love
too mochi power