Kiryu 10 | I initially thought he was a lot more static than I eventually realized he actually is. Like there are static characters who are great and I've played one (Clark, superman, generally pretty static) and you get the fun out of how they interact with a dynamic and often challenging world. But the more I played and the more I watched
the more I realized that while Kiryu's core is unchanged, he's not static. Things wear on him, lessons get learned, his approach DOES change throughout the games and the years not in the manner but the means.
Kiryu 10 | Norton gave him the sense of being a cop, albeit a weird alien-related cop who has some sympathy with people like him because of his status as a gay man. Funny enough, the middle class gov agent actually shone through with him more than the gay.
At this point, he knows how angry Norton actually is about society in general and the way that the government handles things and the restrictions on people who don't 'fit' and he feels more akin to him than he did originally. like, even aside from being his kyoudai.
Kiryu 15 | One, he loves fighting with Norton. Two, he would actually love just walking around shopping clothes with Norton some time. Three, listening to Norton talk about his life and his business. He'd happily sit there and drink or smoke or just walk around with him doing that. One of Kiryu's standard 'happy places' is just relaxing and listening.
john doe | 3 They fear for him! They remember that time outside the door! And he wants him to graduate so he's safe. John knows what the void looks like, he lived in the Dark World for ages. He doesn't want that for anyone he likes.
John Doe 7 | He objects to the very idea! He's so intensely focused on how a person forms, on making the choices about your own self and your own personality and how you conduct yourself. He'd feel wrong about taking it and he'd feel wrong it could be taken and he wouldn't feel like it fits regardless because he didn't do the work to get there.
Clark 3 | SO MANY. In game, he worries about Bruce because Bruce is so contrary in so many ways and this place has so many rules that are new and ill-fitting to how they were raised. Out of game, he worries about Bruce not because of deadly villains or anything else but because of how he doesn't take care of himself and sometimes loathes himself
Clark 20 | He wouldn't change a single thing. Because Bruce would know something was different and the damage that would do wouldn't be worth any improvement. Are there things he wants Bruce to change? Yes. Not because he wants Bruce different but because he worries and he love shim. But he'd never want to change Bruce HIMSELF.
He's very aware of how important Bruce's sense of self and self-definition is. Damaging that would, in his mind, be one of the most evil things he could ever do to him.
One does not knock out a pillar on a delicately complex construction like Bruce Wayne and think anything good will come of it or that it won't have huge consequences.
John Doe 14 | misread this again! Natalie would probably be a wolf. Since he's only seen like three or four normal animals and of the ones he's seen that's the closest.
John Doe 21 | Cooking, punk music, safety. He feels very safe with her, very comfortable. Now that they're set it feels like they're a team and he trusts her.
and the tension in Norton between himself as gay in the 1950s and not fitting in, criminalized for it vs being a cop/govt agent has become a big undercurrent in his canon so it's neat to see it pop up in CR!
Jon Sims | 10 - At first, Iris was a godsend but she was kind of a godsend he couldn't touch or dream of 'claiming' in any sense. At this point, though, she's thoroughly one of 'his' people and he's defensive of her because he knows how big the heart is in there and he's well aware how things can hit when you care that much.
John Doe | 10 - He first thought she was rather interesting and he continues to feel so; they haven't talked too much lately so not much has changed! We should throw them together more.
Trixie and Kiryu 6 | ...honestly he'd take a while to learn her body mechanics and then he'd just go about his business. He'd enjoy the swoopiness of her skirts.
Trixie and Kiryu | 7 - He'd never want to take from her: but if he could borrow it occasionally, the capacity to do hot anger with words. Shout things angrily. go off on someone. He tends to either cold seething or punch you in the face. Having a middle ground would be nice.
/gets to have a vagina
Jon Sims - 10
Jarthur, wildcard, 7, 12, 14, 18, 20
Kiryu, wildcard, 2, 4, 15, 16, 19