that talk from a gamedever (a very opinionated one) from Thekla, Inc. called "Preventing the Collapse of Civilization" comes to the same conclusion that I've come to (as a reverser). It might only be a US problem, but software is ubiquitous and yet it's completely opaque to many civilians. If said sw is garbage, civilians have no idea how to distinguish it.
I got cut short (because of character limit), but software being opaque and ubiquitous, plus users not knowing whether software is good or bad or more importantly how to fix it or hold the company/developer accountable results in company/developer being "rewarded" for the wrong reasons.
In a capitalist society, we depend on market and competition to bring out the best (or at least I think that's the goal)..but since society is oblivious to software (and complacent when it doesn't work) software gets progressively less-simple/more-complicated.
This really shouldn't be a problem, though, because it's just software...but many societies are integrating software into their systems. When it doesn't work properly, we reset it. Companies and developers aren't rewarded for fixing bugs or vulnerabilities...and systems that are reliable and/or well-designed get lost in time.
Having pride in your own code-writing capabilities and investing the time to get better is really considered just a personal endeavor, and technology is "magic" for a large amount of people. This really needs to change..and I don't think it will unless education with regards to sotware fundamentals a time before university.
Right now, only deveopers can complain to other developers..and when it comes to fixing bugs or detecting issues, users seldom get a say in anything, because they don't speak the same language that coders speak..and we've abstracted human users out of the development process in order to deliver a product.
okay, done rambling. here's that link:
Preventing the Collapse of Civilization / Jonathan B...