oh no. the top raiders have run into the buff/debuff limit. (basically, enemies and players only get affected by a certain amount of buffs and debuffs, and the rest are 'wasted')
Wonder how long till we see a lodestone letter about this because this is way more than datamining the final boss model or that screenshot we got from an intermission phase in DSR
And just how much it's gonna help proggers. Like, you can't see the buffs/debuffs but you can still see shit going out in the order it's supposed to so you have an idea of what to expect but. yeah, didn't watch a lot of it
Yeahhh, guess it didn't really show up in any 8 person stuff before since there wasn't enough buffs/debuffs from the boss but Omega just absolutely does a bad breath equivalent of them here
i was wondering if it was, in fact, intentional, for that very reason re: Omega would absolutely do that shit. it would mean ofsetting your own, possibly blocking out the boss' de/buffs, etc.
If it's the latter, it's a puzzle mechanic no one on stream has solved yet. and imo probably not the best mechanic to put in the game since it shines a massive spotlight on an actual code limitation
as long as they don't pull a ffxi dev and change how Omega is fought because raiders do something else to beat the boss instead of the way the devs intended
I saw a discussion about it on Seraph, and the consensus seemed to be 'cosmetic mods are one thing, but if they were using something that affects fight difficulty, screw them.'
"The team that cleared was a team of 11 people: the 8 people actually doing the fight and 3 others assisting from the sidelines. The rumor is, after they got World First, the original 8 fighters were supposed to then help the 3 other members of their team clear but backed out on this part of the agreement when came time.
E.S. Levi
: even if they use fight mods just for their own needs, that's between them and god and yoshi p, but if they're using them in a world first race then that's just cheating
YEP. If you use mods to help you get through content just so you have the clear, fine. That's really no different from waiting until people can unsync wreck it. But if you use combat mods in a competitive context...
good to know, been thinking of dabbling in some visual stuff for personal fun now that I have a computer that supports the programs but I don't know much about them
I use a housing program combined with an optional plugin for it + another housing plugin and it saves SO much time and effort (and gil since you can put together a shopping list instead of needing to experiment)
(Penumbra doesn't change any files in the game install, so at worst you might have the game crash if you try to make it do something too difficult. Usually, you'll just see a broken asset not loading.)
the program is MakePlace, it's got an associated plugin so you can import the layout from the program/export your layout in-game to the program (though you can just use the program to mess around with ideas if you want without any game connection), and the Burning Down the House plugin makes furniture placement SUPER easy without having to deal with
omega is full of drama....
if you're using mods to make OTHER people's characters sexy, fuck off