And that’s what the attitude I would suggest of most Jewish people in occupied countries, because initially nobody had any idea that they might be sent away anywhere, let along to something called a slave labor camp, a concentration camp, or a death camp.
這就是我一直以來都在尋找的影像紀錄:納粹迫害下出生於集中營的猶太倖存者後裔 Eva Clarke 偶爾幽默且風度絕佳地扼要講述她與母親以及家族成員的親身經歷,敘述生動、充滿細節與生活感,優雅自信更兼佐證齊全地呈現真實境遇,帶領聽眾安全無虞地正視人類共性之中堅持自欺的庸懦——
He also managed to get a visa for his wife and for his child, but tragically my aunt refused to come.
The reason she refused to come was because basically it was a very unhappy marriage.
And she said to her husband, she said “ no, we’ll be fine. We’ll stay with my parents, ” with her parents, my grandparents.
They just thought if they kept a low profile, more or less stuck to those rules and regulations, they’d be okay.
That is human nature, you hope for the best.
Eva Clarke:
This would not have been mercy killing, this would have been murder.
“ 這不是出於憐憫終結生命,而是謀殺。 ”