Pumpqueen Fall
OKAY bed again for that eval tomorrow o/
Pumpqueen Fall
Goals + Nobunaga's proposal. I WILL SPOILER THIS MUCH BECAUSE alkdjasldkj I laughed a lot when I saw people talking about it because I had been planning this for a month

Garlic bread. He's putting Klaus' ring on top of garlic bread. of course
Klaus will cry in public
If it's in public
Pumpqueen Fall
It will be yes
Pumpqueen Fall
THe whole day will be a lot (LOL) Because when does Nobunaga do normal
sdknsdf. Klaus will cry in public, then. sdjkanf.
Loup D'etat
Good luck tomorrow
Pumpqueen Fall
I'm gonna kick my Mom
Pumpqueen Fall
She's anxious xINFINITY about this
Pumpqueen Fall
Poor Robbie. He's trying to calm her down but he doesn't know how other than "walk it off!" and drag her out of situations that are bothering her
Pumpqueen Fall
He also ran away on her last night because she's been extra "NO SNOW BLEH" and he loves the snow so he was like "FUCK THIS I AM WILD AND FREE" and she had to ask a neighbor with a german shepherd to lure him back out because Robbie sees giant dogs as "friends that just don't know it yet"
Pumpqueen Fall
Reminds me of when I was in the coma, my Dad was like "yeaaaaah she's not really got things together. SLIGHTLY better when Robbie is forcing her, but only barely " And she couldn't have him in the ICU so she always had to make sure she had her bff and/or one of my bros with him because she literally wasn't safe to drive without him (LOL)
Pumpqueen Fall
Kicking is too good
Pumpqueen Fall
Eval went great /o/
How did it go?
Pumpqueen Fall
Good. I think I was able to get across the point that it's not psych, there's not really much more a regular therapist could do for me because for 20 years I was in therapy, I'm not adverse to it, it's just my problem is a lot more cystic fibrosis/CFIDS/LUUUUUNG DEATH related and I'm doing my best
Pumpqueen Fall
Mom was a basket case
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Woke me up 4 times this morning
Pumpqueen Fall
She's trying