Luke Skywanker
[my Bahamas adventure] AKA, will we ever leave?

Oh, the vagaries of sailing life. After the setback of the dead batteries, we had two choices of route -- inland or ocean. Due to a broken bridge, and inlets our boat can't navigate, we've been forced to retrace our steps. And NOW, the weather may keep us here for another week.
Luke Skywanker
I know you have to be flexible, but I don't know that I have enough money saved to prolong the trip indefinitely! and we've not even started!
Luke Skywanker
Dad is listening to the weather again and making disbelieving and unencouraging noises
oh that's rough
Luke Skywanker
looks like there's a window to get across the Gulf stream in Thursday, IF we're further south, but there's no way to GET there.
Luke Skywanker
otherwise the weather looks bad in terms of our small boat for the next two weeks
oh man