根據官方紀錄Benjamin Netanyahu在內閣例會上告訴戴瑞Aryeh Deri已被解除內政暨衛生部長一職,但矢言將找尋「所有法律工具」俾以在日後保住戴的公職。戴瑞的親信塞里BarakSeri今天稍早告訴以色列軍方電台ArmyRadio,戴瑞領導的極端正統宗教性政黨神諭黨Shas仍是聯合政府成員,職務將保留給黨內其他成員。以色列最高法院上週以戴瑞2022年被判稅務詐欺為由,下令尼坦雅胡開革戴瑞。尼在內閣聲明中對最高法院判決深表「遺憾」,認為這項判決「漠視公眾意志」。判決引發以色列國內對於尼坦雅胡改革計畫激烈辯論,同時全國各地也爆發不滿改革計畫抗議。尼坦雅胡堅稱這些改革計畫將恢復政府各部門之間平衡,但批評人士抨擊此舉將破壞司法獨立性
以色列聯合政府上路不到一個月 尼坦雅胡開除閣員 | 國際 | 中央社 CNA
Netanyahu said that he was “compelled, with a heavy heart” to comply with Wednesday’s court ruling — which cited Deri’s multiple convictions and recent apparent deception of a lower court — and terminate Deri’s dual appointment as interior and health minister.Netanyahu fires Deri 'with a heavy heart' after High...
**Gideon/GPO) (Plurk Paste)
the High Court issued its bombshell ruling that the decision to appoint the Shas leader as interior and health minister was “unreasonable in the extreme” in light of Deri’s criminal convictions, most recently in January 2022.
Deri struck a plea bargain at that time with the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court, which let him quitKnesset before his sentencing and thus avoid a hearing on whether his tax fraud conviction carried moral turpitude — a designation that would have barred him from holding public office for seven years.The court believed that Deri was retiring from public life
Deri struck a plea bargain quitKnesset before sentencing&thus avoid a hearing on whether his tax fraud conviction carried moral turpitude — a designation that would have barred him from holding public office for seven years.The court at the time believed that Deri was retiring from public life. However, he continued to lead Shas from outside the Knesset