I think the info aligns with something someone else heard about because that name sounds familiar. I forget who found it or where I heard mention of it though...
Okay I went back to listen to Felix talk and I think it's plausible for him to relay information in a non-sarcastic manner when he really wants to. Fantastic.
Also no real surprise if it gets ignored in favor of other happenings because that's just par for the course. Finn's excitement is adorable btw and his post is cute. I might have to hit it, and keep an eye out for opportunities to threadjack if it becomes a good spot to say things.
Part of me feels dumb for this because the information might be useless at this point... (and I still couldn't find that name anywhere else but I swear... eh nm.) ...but maybe it can still lead to something so it can stay there.
I half wanted to try to find the dungeon/prison cells on the way out of the castle if they're even located there.... but my time is up in the search request and that is fine, reasonable, makes sense. But what if this lord was captured and put in jail. But then maybe not, idk at this point. He could be dead. Or (still) in hiding.
Good. (Thank you. I am full of lots of self doubt tonight but everyone has been supportive here and elsewhere and I greatly appreciate it.) I hope someone can do something with it.
I think this is his switch into "if this kid is going to annoy me, then I might as well cultivate him into something I can use" moment. That's what he's doing now.
I kinda want to do a search request trying to find Lord Durwald since I don't see that angle up yet but also. don't want to be that awkward player that follows up their own info with their second character. ha....ha...
I was waiting for that group search but hooboy it got a lot of takers this time, and I dunno when it's gonna get written. But there's not as much time left as I kept thinking there was....
would just be imagining him sitting in a dungeon, making all the network comments from his cell, pretending he's not just...sitting in jail waiting for the end of the mission.
anyway, he's just...not gonna go anywhere near Stoneset anymore. definitely gonna pretend he didn't almost get caught. nope, no sir, don't know what you're talking about. Wanted posters? nah, that wasn't me. some dipshit that didn't even make it inside the castle probably.
Sorry for any dumbass tags today, my head is a little fuzzy from...idek what it is. Sinuses I guess. That's what someone else said. All I know is head fuzzy.
"Jun Shortaxe was โ is โ a very talented paladin, a deft hand and good in a battle. Oh, certainly he dedicated himself to the Knights of the Seven Sisters, but you do know about the Seven Sisters, don't you?" She shrugs. "The point is, you just have to make sure you and him are on the same side because that much isn't always so clear." ohoho i went snoopin
I half wanted to try to find the dungeon/prison cells on the way out of the castle if they're even located there.... but my time is up in the search request and that is fine, reasonable, makes sense. But what if this lord was captured and put in jail. But then maybe not, idk at this point. He could be dead. Or (still) in hiding."Jun Shortaxe was โ is โ a very talented paladin, a deft hand and good in a battle. Oh, certainly he dedicated himself to the Knights of the Seven Sisters, but you do know about the Seven Sisters, don't you?" She shrugs. "The point is, you just have to make sure you and him are on the same side because that much isn't always so clear."
ohoho i went snoopin