I've never had so many tags, so consistently throughout the day, in my life. The timezones and activity hours line up better with mine and I get more CR in this dressing room than I've ever had in a game! I've only had a thread dropped on me like... twice? Just about everybody else continues, it's really nice!!
My activity may not be the fastest but I'm having fun sending tags back to everyone!! It's really nice 🥳
✨ mukkuru ✨
yeeee im glad! i'm also having fun throwing tags despite my speed, but i'm in it for the shenanigans at the end of the day :-D
It is a lot of fun and I look forward to your tags whenever I do get them! ^^
Gold's self-blame and thinking he's not a good person is ticking Trip off because it hits a bit too close to home, so he's going to be a GIANT JERK about it, while trying to correct said line of thinking by viciously mocking it..... he needs work on his social skills.
BUT I wanna toss a (straying too far from its natural habitat, maybe there's a story behind it???) Cubburn in here just to reassure Gold he DOES have a good heart... or, well, once he goes home and asks Professor Banyan or someone else knowledgeable about it, maybe. ;3;
It definitely cheered Gold up, fff, although he took it as something to rub in self-righteous people's faces. : D;;; Trip has learned of the existence of an Ulternian PokeDex from Gold
so he wants to meet Professor Banyan! ^^
He'd like to collaborate with him in making a paper version, for those who can't update theirs, but won't part with their old PokeDexes. He's already taken pictures of a couple of Ulternian Pokemon [like Blissey and Cubburn], it'd be nice if they could work together. ^^
Oops, Espurr... I guess that makes the first failure for Attila to get away safely. ^^;;;
(He got away, but Skarmory...)
spagonia a thing! o/
Yes hello!