Pumpqueen Fall
subject to change Nobunaga is going to get back to the ship and everything will be in grayscale for him.
Pumpqueen Fall
It happened after razing Mt. Hiei. But he thought it was the Demon King thing. Because he's dumb.
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
aww no he will not be able to appreciate the ribbon dance!
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
(like that's his biggest problem)
♥️ Jelly ♥️
Wait is this a punishment because of dying on purpose? :-o
Pumpqueen Fall
He will not be in a super great place. Definitely going to make life hell for Valdis. Violence trigger will be verrrry high.
Pumpqueen Fall
Might learn drums. Will definitely set shit on fire.

Learn clocks (LOL)

Practice throwing molotovs :V
Pumpqueen Fall
♥️ Jelly ♥️ : nope vice versa lmfao
Loup D'etat
The takeaway here is that she should have killed him
Pumpqueen Fall
He wanted to die on purpose, and gave an ultimatum to Valdis (and Klaus) that you either fight the "rules" of the "game" (the literal universe) or he would cut you out of his life
Pumpqueen Fall
So Valdis sucked his soul so he'd collapse, and Klaus walked away and broke up with him so Nobunaga couldn't do it first
Pumpqueen Fall
He also failed Yato 2-3 times, and is just generally not happy.
Pumpqueen Fall
He will still appreciate ribbon dance!!! He won't tell ari (probably!!!) That he can't see colors. I'll put the prompt up at the buffet when they get there lol
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
Ari is just going to be there for him, and she'll deal with it if he's not always polite etc because she knows he's hurting and she values him more than anyone
Pumpqueen Fall
And Nobunaga gave a second ultimatum to Klaus basically of live without regrets. Soooo he definitely thinks "OK. This is what he wants. That's fine."
Pumpqueen Fall
Lmao he hates manners but he will probably be MORE polite because he's miserable (LOL)
Pumpqueen Fall
Not allowing himself to do what he actually wants
Pumpqueen Fall
Might still do poetry club but def. No karaoke/singing until he stabilizes
Pumpqueen Fall
And lowkey trying to torture Valdis X-(
Loup D'etat
Again. Good luck with that. Lol
Pumpqueen Fall
His existence is sufficient
Pumpqueen Fall
He out-tortured the masochist who tortured his kidnappers. (nottalking)
i hate to say it but Crichton is coming down on Klaus's side for this
sdjkafnds. Klaus was like, "This wasn't torture, you brat. This was just being mean"
Loup D'etat
He’d have to go at her or someone else with the genuine intent to kill in order to really faze her.
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
Ari is going to try to come in tactfully at some point with 'I don't agree with what she did but I'm personally glad you didn't die, the whole thing was horrible, can we just... stop with the torture?' Plus her secret reasoning that I'm saving for IC but she thinks will work ;-)
Pumpqueen Fall
(LOL) no torture and honestly Nobunaga is glad everyone is on Klaus' side because he always said they would and should be
Klaus is glad Nobunaga has someone even if they are too much of a mess to say it.
Pumpqueen Fall
Don't hell shoot you (nottalking)
Loup D'etat
No, really, I’m intrigued by Nobunaga slowly escalating throughout the month to get to Valdis. But he’s really gonna have to lose it to actually get to her
Klaus like: Then fucking shoot me.
Pumpqueen Fall
The funny thing is Nobunaga is also like "ehhh things were moving faster than he's comfortable with. He was just getting used to the idea of us getting married, especially after the good week of no roommates so I'm sure he was looking for a way out."
Pumpqueen Fall
kingdonkey : he would but he says that's hot =/
Pumpqueen Fall
Loup D'etat : he's going to be so pissed lmfao
Loup D'etat
Oh please attack her and see what happens
Klaus wasn’t looking for a way out. He genuinely wanted to ask to get a room together and everything. But he didn’t want to be pushed out, so he left and he hates it
Pumpqueen Fall
As it is he's like "I'm not even an empath and this is torture explain how is this is NOT 100x worse than death"
Loup D'etat
So he’s torturing himself?
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
Ari trying to keep peace between Nobunaga and Valdis like ugh an inter-colony dispute would be easier.
Loup D'etat
Oh no, there is no peace. Valdis might force a fight depending on what he does because clearly he needs an outlet for his anger and desire for violence
He can’t channel it into sex like he usually does cause he hurt Klaus’ feels
Loup D'etat
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
Ari should tell them that they need to stop because she cares about both of them but that is both too emotional to her to do even if she wants to, and unlikely to work given the reasons for the fight!
Pumpqueen Fall
Loup D'etat : no, everyone around her
Pumpqueen Fall
He won't fight her. He says it's pointless.
Pumpqueen Fall
And he won't give her the satisfaction NOW when she already has everyone on her side about it (LOL)
Pumpqueen Fall
He will be super violent without Klaus though yes
Loup D'etat
Oh, he’s hurting the people around her? That’s even worse
Pumpqueen Fall
But he'll still avoid killing, he was here a month before Klaus etc.
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
She'll let him throw her around in training but it won't lead to biting or sex like with Klaus so just not the same
Pumpqueen Fall
But he's also not talking to Crichton
Pumpqueen Fall
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
oh no what did Crichton do?!
Loup D'etat
Eh...he still might have to do better. We’ll see
Pumpqueen Fall
Also ignored Nobunaga's plea and went to vote off Skulduggery
Loup D'etat
Valdis listened to Nobunaga and he’s still mad?
Loup D'etat
We can definitely plot some stuff around this
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
Now I feel like everyone except Valdis and Ari might vote for Skul and they might be in trouble over it!
Pumpqueen Fall
Yes (LOL) he forgives her enough he's not writing her out of his life, but he's still like "I didn't have to get this drastic, and I wouldn't have if you didn't whip Revelations put on me and I didn't want to make Klaus cry so I was scared of dying and now I'm down to one friend and I told you I will make your life hell"
Loup D'etat
I mean...if Nobunaga is gonna be pissed at her either way, she might as well burn the bridge and vote Skulduggery
Pumpqueen Fall
He's so surprised that Shi QuingXuan got it but is like +500 respect
Loup D'etat
Wow...starting to think you’re just pisser because your pride got injured Nobunaga
Loup D'etat
Hint: go after Max Imum
Pumpqueen Fall
If you want, but then he will literally ignore her because she "isn't worth my notice" but it will be genuinely irreparable instead of "actually she can just throw him in the pool and tell him she's had enough he can stop hurting everyone around him now, yato doesn't deserve that"
Pumpqueen Fall
This way he still respects her / likes/loves her
Pumpqueen Fall
He is
And he will. Because Max is squishy X-(
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
lol the pressure on poor Ari if she ends up the only Lord Vile holdout. Wouldn't be surprised if someone did kill her to get the unanimous vote (LOL)
Pumpqueen Fall
Well depends on "unless max backs out because Klaus is gone" but yes
Loup D'etat
She’s not, but great way to show it dude
Pumpqueen Fall
(LOL) I'm pretty sure it'll end up counting as Skulduggery but
Loup D'etat
I understand you are having a great time CC, but I am genuinely trying to figure out where they stand and what is happening because I’m feeling a little...attacked and out of the loop
Pumpqueen Fall
Sorry :-( :-( :-( no he still duper values her so so much
Pumpqueen Fall
I don't mean to attack. By "go after max" He was just going to practice self defense with him (see also unless Klaus being gone changes it)
Loup D'etat
Ok. Thank you. I shall be more clear in the future. Into great at communicating what I need. I am not upset with you 💜
Loup D'etat
*I’m not great
Pumpqueen Fall
I'm HEAVILY exaggerating the "torture" by using Nobunaga's terminology. It just means he'd be annoying and need a mental slap out of it. And he would lean on people close to her emotionally even though normally he would not, specifically because she could feel that
Loup D'etat
Pumpqueen Fall
No no I'm bad too (LOL) also try refreshing the plurk, sometimes lines get lost when it goes fast!
Loup D'etat
Especially on mobile
Pumpqueen Fall
He wouldn't attack her directly and he would just be like "I don't waste my death like that" kind of annoyed (him not me!!!! I'd be amused!) Because she must think he's really careless with his life.
Pumpqueen Fall
But yes he might eventually tell her about his panic about Revelations which was why Yato made him revert. Because he is truly upset about that. But as it is now they can fix it.
Pumpqueen Fall
Valdis is probably the only one who could intermediate him with Klaus for foreseeable future too so I will be relying heavily on your rp!!! /bow
Loup D'etat
Haha, ok
Pumpqueen Fall
I can't believe it's 60 degrees F out. It was in the single digits the other day wtf
Klaus is just out here a reckless human in charge of his own life and not good at it
Pumpqueen Fall
Nobunaga is going to let him suffer too :V punish Valdis
Pumpqueen Fall
I should add though it's clearer in tye other arcs but yeah Nobunaga does think BEING AROUND HIM is suffering sooooo
Klaus doesn’t think he was suffering around Nobunaga. He was so happy. He is now the saddest
Loup D'etat
Ok. Trying to hash things out. Did Nobunaga vote for Vile or is he unconscious and therefore didn’t vote?
Pumpqueen Fall
Oh and Nobunaga calls tickling torture so... grain of salt
Pumpqueen Fall
He did vote Vile. He's not unconscious, just all his energy is being used to breathe lol. He can listen
Pumpqueen Fall
He told Jeff he would have to kill Nobunaga too then
Pumpqueen Fall
kingdonkey : Nobunaga says what do you want then
Loup D'etat
Loup D'etat
We are ok!! It’s all good. I just needed a blunt answer haha
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
Ari is refusing to pass the message on to Jeff but idk how close he is/if he heard anyway
Pumpqueen Fall : Klaus doesn’t know. For you not to act like he’s easily disposable bc he doesn’t agree with something you say maybe.
Hmmm I figured Jeff's not close enough to hear what he's saying, but I can say he is if you want him to respond!
Nobunaga is breaking my heart
Me too
Pumpqueen Fall
He's so upset lol
Pumpqueen Fall
Imma just take a shower and bawl it is fine ffffffff
Pumpqueen Fall
He's like "I came for fate's door, I got my teeth kicked in. I have no regrets. I will do it again. Expect me Fate, this ain't over until I'm dead"
Loup D'etat
And thanks to him, Skul hates all of them lol
I been crying since last night cause Klaus is a big baby in my headspace
Klaus is still okay. Woops
Loup D'etat
Oh nooooo
He said Skulduggery
Loup D'etat
It’s ok! Negative CR is ok!
It’s been fun times!! Klaus almost never gets to actually be the fucking mess he is
So it’s been fun to get the chance to have him be a fucking mess
Loup D'etat
That’s true!
They keep being more adulty to make up for shit, but he’ll feel bad if Valdis is like, “Can you pls chill for a minute?”
Loup D'etat
Oh, Valdis might actually cry this month and then freak out because what the hell are tears
Pumpqueen Fall
Loup D'etat
Sorry Nobunaga, you were not the cause
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
And now Ari is slightly broken. Fun excursion times!
Pumpqueen Fall
I didn't cry in the shower but earlier yes
Pumpqueen Fall
Nightmares ehhhhh hell take credit anyway lol
Loup D'etat
Pumpqueen Fall
Loup D'etat
On top of that, she betrayed Yato, and Ari, and alienated Skulduggery trying to not burn bridges...this murder event was not fun for her
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
My music wasn't going on and then out OF NOWHERE it goes on, no one touching it, playing Cry For Me
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Okay computer. My psychic powers (nonexistent) are too strong!!!! /Chuuni CC intensifies
Pumpqueen Fall
Although Nobunaga ironically would comfort her be like nahhhh you didn't understand what Yato and I were doing. Ari didn't see it, and skul can be talked to
Pumpqueen Fall
"Don't worry about them, worry about me X-("
Pumpqueen Fall
"I'll fix things for them but I'm useless at myself >>"
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
Ari expects he'll hate her now. She just couldn't fight them all on her own.
Pumpqueen Fall
https://images.plurk.com/6jwtD3lyh3efbLSEHXerTj.jpg "like tears in rain, Scoob"
Fool for Love came on on my Spotify
Pumpqueen Fall
Hurted my feelings
Pumpqueen Fall
Hatchie - Stay With Me (Official Audio)
did someone say feelings? I'll go away now
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ : God he just loves her so much. Going to dote on her so much the next month she will either be like "Klaus take h7m back I can't take anymore" or get really really possessive lol
Pumpqueen Fall
Literally try to spoil her
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
Aww. She was expecting a very bad reaction to what was essentially 'I'm taking command and we quit' at least in her own head lol. She gets very Tradeliner under that much pressure. She'll be so glad he's not mad at her!
ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ
I think if Klaus and Nobunaga do get back together Ari might up feeling slightly abandoned and jealous if Nobunaga's been doting on her in the meantime lol
Pumpqueen Fall
Fff unless she gets smothered XD
Pumpqueen Fall
kingdonkey : Captcha Check I see you git your revenge and I raise the bar!
Loup D'etat
Loup D'etat
Loup D'etat
You both are just using the past to hurt each other now, rascala
Loup D'etat
Yes. Yes, we are
They just need time and probably for someone to smack them
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Like I said, it would be a mess if they ever broke up because it would take a lot. Especially not to make Nobunaga literally crawl on hands and knees like "nooooo I miss youuuuu"
Pumpqueen Fall
As it is, whenever I find the wedding tag... welp
Loup D'etat
Valdis will probably do more than just toss Nobunaga in the pool
Loup D'etat
But we'll see how many buttons he manages to push
Yeah. It literally took a lot and it really was just Nobunaga triggering a trauma response in Klaus and Klaus reacting instead of recognizing it and telling Nobunaga to stfu
Pumpqueen Fall
All of them
A particular vibe
my current playlist of three songs
Loup D'etat
He may need a healer when she is done with him
Pumpqueen Fall
He might refuse we'll see.
Loup D'etat
we shall seeeeeeee
;-; Klaus like, “Stop being so dumb all the time”
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: did you ever even know me? Learn the difference between me enjoying the consequences of my actions, no matter the cost, and what I value most.
Klaus: I GUESS NOT!!!!! >(
Loup D'etat
Nobunaga really does need Valdis' help to get Klaus back....
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: obviously (nottalking) I wonder what you thought of me in the past. Seems you had quite an illusion in your head.
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
I mean he's still working through the anger and grief
Pumpqueen Fall
Klaus: Sure. I guess I did. I guess I do. I guess I don't know anything about anything. Guess all those positive thoughts and good things AND OUR WEDDING WERE FOR NOTHING
Pumpqueen Fall
He did put 2 + 2 together that Valdis disrespect and in general "respect people's boundaries!!!" Is the big one for Klaus, but
Pumpqueen Fall
He'll have talk to Jeff too because it wasn't like he saw them (at least not the Captain and Jeff, Crichton, and klaus) as mob justice
Pumpqueen Fall
(Which Jeff thought)
Pumpqueen Fall
+ Jeff is also a Californian and Nobunaga thinks, he understands about Nobunaga's "fight the castes!!!" Issue
Loup D'etat
Valdis is going to do her best to completely ignore him no matter what he does. Helps that she's simply impossible to find for like 6 days
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: :< I can't have a candy wedding without you. I can't even see colors now. I don't know if I'm punishing myself or what.
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
He did warn her XD
Cause that's how he saw it
So he was like, "I must leave"
Pumpqueen Fall
jkfalndf. One day
Klaus is gonna go nap with Ava and be drunk and sad and tell her all about how sad the day was and how romantic and sad Skulcap was
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: did I give you an order? Now what kind of order would you disobey? (thinking) how curious. You'll disobey my orders knowing full well the consequence of my wrath, but not one of a game you never signed up for and with no consequences? I thought we agreed I was to handle your masochism. If you don't like this, there is a solution.
Pumpqueen Fall
Nobunaga is gonna play solitaire five finger fillet :V
Klaus: I just think sometimes we don't always understand things and how they're supposed to play out and we don't have to fight EVERY choice. And it's not disobeying if I choose to make a different decision with the information given to me. >( You can't just expect people to do everything you say just cause you say it!
And then I'm what? Supposed to stay and wait for you to cut me out?
Pumpqueen Fall
CC: sounds masochistic Oda
Oda: it's sadism turned inward

I mean... I gueeeeesss
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: you were supposed to believe in me. I promised you. My God rejected me 3 times because I got scared if making you cry if I died. I don't fight every choice! But I do the impossible and that means doing things even if everyone says it's pointless, because maybe they're wrong! You chose them over me! I hope you can live with it.

Oda: the solution is-
skjdlfnads. Klaus is like, "I made a choice in an impossible situation to do what a skeleton man asked of me."
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: don't do what you hate doing! Ask your friends to help you! And if you can't, ask a stranger, and at the bare minimum, fucking accept help when it's offered! Yato and I were ready to cut those rules down and the only problem was I didn't want to make you cry!
"And I know it seems like choosing someone over you, but this is...a fucking different thing"
sdjfaabsdf, Klaus already crying
Pumpqueen Fall
Ohvihcotc8tc8hc8yc babby
Pumpqueen Fall
God though Nobunaga would just... cry too and hug him
This is just going to make Klaus dive more deeply into what is the plan with Skulduggery so if he's questioned, at least he has information
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: I mean... it's not like we explained it (doh) this is a problem he and I both have.... gods don't explain things, they just do them so the outcomes speak for themselves and maou are the same
YEAH...no explanation given. JUST FIGHTING
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: which doesn't work when people don't believe in us (annoyed)
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Music wtf are you haunting me
Loup D'etat
Maybe you shouldn’t drive away the people you want to believe in you, idiot
Pumpqueen Fall
Or maybe now he can fight without worrying about Klaus crying because he already is X-(
Loup D'etat
That’s fine, Klaus can come cuddle with Valdis and cry on her shoulder
Pumpqueen Fall
Yup (nottalking) not even jealous, just angry
Pumpqueen Fall
(Him not me, I'm amused // bawling like a baby)
Loup D'etat
Klaus will cry on her shoulder
Loup D'etat
Valdis thinks he’s acting like a spoiled child who doesn’t like being told no.
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: /pokes two fingers together/ :'-( please help me and Yato ((to Klaus still)) even though he said we have to communicate. He meant me and him. He's the best God at meeting people because he actually does it but we're very bad at this OTL
Pumpqueen Fall
Lmfao Klaus or Oda?
Loup D'etat
Of a
Loup D'etat
Loup D'etat
Wow phone
Klaus like, "Well, maybe if you'd have told us what you were doing first...TRUSTED US with what you were doing first, we wouldn't have been so uncertain of wtf you were trying to do here"
Pumpqueen Fall
Captcha Check every other minute Nobunaga remembers something he wanted to tell Klaus and just starts playing with his knives
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: ..... you think I didn't trust you enough. Yet you are the one who assumed the worst, wrongly, I'll add, and then didn't ask, or give me room to fix it like I promised I would. Do I understand that correctly?
Klaus: Well, I wasn't going to let you leave me first... :|
Pumpqueen Fall
Nobunaga: /absolutely murderous/ and how is that working out for you?
Klaus: ......SO GOOD. I'm so fine right now
Klaus: And for the record, I still don't think it was a particularly wise choice...what you were doing
Pumpqueen Fall
Nobunaga: good. I'm so glad you have someone to kiss your head and strangle you into shutting up when you keep lying. I'll even bet you're just about ready to stop drinking even. A nice replacement to carry you around by the ties and throw you over a shoulder to keep you in line. But one thing. They will never be able to conquer the heights I've brought-
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: you to, and you will never be able to stop them to me and finding them oh so lacking.
Pumpqueen Fall
*comparing them to me
Pumpqueen Fall
Idk how a word went missing (LOL)
Klaus: ....Oh. I see so I’m nothing without you? So no one can love you like you love me? That’s your whole thing? And also I will drink myself to death if I want to. You can’t stop me.
Words just do that
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: =/ I'd say it is vice versa. I haven't removed my tattoo, it is my treasure, even though it would seem names are truly bad luck, I will keep at it until I change that. /ugh hugs his dumb Klaus, he can't heeeeeellllp it./ what have you done?
Klaus: Joined the Captain’s team :|
Pumpqueen Fall
Nobunaga: I was never against him. I thought he was just like me. But with magic instead of guns. Although I do think he's a lot more of an idiot now. I mean, he didn't even try to fight the rules, or ask everyone for help in changing them. If I had to kill you I'd at LEAST try that first.

I meant the alcohol poisoning. Or are you just purposely defying me
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: when you wouldn't even fight the universe's rules?
Klaus: Well, Ava trusts Skulduggery. You saw the Captain the same as me when Skulduggery died. Or maybe you didn’t. And I can do what I want!! /just a quiet voice/ It just...I’m not strong and if being weak means I’m worthless, we’re not going to work.
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: /picks him up and swings him all around/ hey stupid. What I have told you about the lying voice in your head? I will crush it. /more spins!!!/ you are the strongest person I've ever known. Why do you think I fell in love with you in just a month? Why do you think I try so damn hard for you and let you hurt me? What do I have to do to crush this voice-
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: once for all???? You are strong. I love your strength. It makes me try to be stronger for you. I AM hurt because you didn't believe in me. I have never betrayed you... /sets Klaus down and buries his face in their neck/ and I want to be so strong you'll never cry again. Maybe I can't. But I do the impossible, right? So why can't you let me try????
Klaus: What if we have the same goals. If you and Skulduggery have the same goal with different methods?
Pumpqueen Fall
Nobunaga: .... How have I never told you my plan? I even told Teyrey and she is nearly against it. We have the same goal, with the same methods. It was Skulduggery, before I met you who convinced me... not only is the Captain disturbingly all my worst traits- childish, unempathetic, sadistic, plotting without relying on others because they might interfere,
Pumpqueen Fall
Distrusting, paranoid, violent, -_-' need I go on? But he told me that positive emotions work just as well as negative ones. It was Skulduggery who told me /holds fingers up/ we are how we're perceived, and to free everyone, mot just try to make them happy, like I first thought. =/ and it was I who told him my weakness is romance and purity. I cannot. --
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: now your turn, Klaus. You threw out the whole man, you didn't even try to find a loophole, you just passively decided the Captain knew better than me and that I didn't have a plan, even though I always, always do.

You threw me out too.

Not even for my worst side, all the violence, sadism, cruelty, or rage. Skulduggery had no recollection of anything-
Pumpqueen Fall
Oda: you have always been the one telling me even monsters like me aren't irredeemable, that I deserve love. What the hell does that mean to you?!
Klaus: Okay. I see your point about the Captain. But! We have to make decisions together. Especially something that could possibly affect Skulduggery. I’ve been stressing communication. This whole time. And I...I thought you would throw me out.
Klaus: If the Captain’s way keeps Vile from being the version of Skulduggery we’ve got, then...then why shouldn’t we do as asked. HE asked for it.
Klaus: And you do deserve love. I meant it. I don’t see you as a monster. I see you as a flawed person. You have strengths and weaknesses like the rest of us. And you don’t listen sometimes and it drives me crazy. But I still love you despite it