it tooks 3 days to restore 2.5 GB data from iCloud. And still have 1.5 GB left to restore. I’m pretty sure there is a problem with my mom’s iPhone Wi-Fi chip.
While restoring similar size data from iCloud using my iPhone took just few hours. I bet if I have to replace the Wi-Fi chip, it means I have to replace the motherboard
NewYearNewPhone for Dwan's mother
ipun six di rumah juga gitu, lebih cepet transfer data via seluler daripada wifi padahal udah nempel deket modem.. wifi card/anten kayanya yang kena
: she got my phone, and I use her phone now for backup phone.
: this phone also can’t connect to Wi-Fi of it’s more than 1 meter away from the router.
Yay congrats Onti Sultan Dwan dumping his old phone after he heard about the newest iphone never cease to amaze me.
it’s just the same phone different color