Stereo Nacht
I will try to go to the weaver supply shop with one of my sis-in-law, if she can get at least her youngest two watched over for a few hours. So my plans for today is... Doing a bit of cleaning (I did start already, with minor things, but at least it's a start), read and play games. That's it. Have a great day, everyone!
Hope it all works out! I have a coating of snow and now sleet on the ground, so we are all staying cozy at home. I'm a little jealous that you have a weaver supply shop nearby. I would probably have to drive around 90 minutes to get to one.
Stereo Nacht
Well, "nearby" is a bit of an understatement. It's still a 90 minutes ride away, so we're in the same position. There are other places, but it's the place. This: start
That IS the place! Everyone talks about using Brassard yarn for making towels.
This is one of the places near me -
Stereo Nacht
Nice one! Everything in one place, too! Strange they kept the French Color names, instead of translating them...