...actually nothing in it panders to men AT ALL. this was created wholly for women and by women and when you see it from that perspective everything just clicks into place and it all makes sense.
no one is shamed for their sexual preference, their promiscuity, no one is punished for drinking or smoking like we so often see for teenage girls in films. (nearly) every teenage girl smokes fags and drinks beer and rolls their skirt up to feel cute, and they don't have to meet a horrible end for it.
好久沒看到這麼一心一德貫徹始終永遠記得搞姬優先,兼具 YA 與狗血劇元素的愛情喜劇囉
movie 串流 netflix 女性導演
特務的部分輕鬆到基本上是背景設定,會忍不住想吐槽導演是否單純想看年輕妹妹穿著短短格子裙拿著狙擊槍,但看得就是頗開心,片長才 90 分鐘也很親切
...actually nothing in it panders to men AT ALL. this was created wholly for women and by women and when you see it from that perspective everything just clicks into place and it all makes sense.
(nearly) every teenage girl smokes fags and drinks beer and rolls their skirt up to feel cute, and they don't have to meet a horrible end for it.