Tom Wilson on Twitter RT SCOOP: Net energy gain in a fusion reaction has been a holy grail in science for decades. Now I’m told US scientists have done it. A massive breakthrough with revolutionary potential for clean power. US Energy Secretary to hold a press conference Tuesday
ref 知情人士說,美國政府設施的聚變反應產生了大約 2.5 百萬焦耳的能量,大約是雷射 2.1 百萬焦耳能量的 120%,並補充說數據仍在分析中。
SCOOP: Net energy gain in a fusion reaction has been a holy grail in science for decades. Now I’m told US scientists have done it. A massive breakthrough with revolutionary potential for clean power. US Energy Secretary to hold a press conference Tuesday
2021 年 12 月一場實驗中,歐洲聯合環狀反應爐(Joint European Torus, JET)產生 59 百萬焦耳(MJ)持續能量,先前該裝置於 1997 年寫下的紀錄是產生 22 百萬焦耳能量
我記的是中國把 mega 直接譯成 兆.
10的6次方 -〉百萬。 正解。