Not sure if I wanna do the D/s finder or not, but the interesting thing I'm noticing lately is I'm not really getting overwhelmed by having a ton of threads going at once
But for the D/s finder I do have a decent idea this time around. Since Hawke's mostly kept his bondage kink on the dl and only done it with Chris and mentioned it to Amelia..
Look, they got thwarted in the caves and Tumenalia was not how she wanted things to go down between them for the first time. He deserves something nice that he likes.
It's complicated though!! He has to really super trust the person!! Though Amelia is probably very close to being on that list, it's just gonna be a Conversation.
Though tbh doing scene work where he has to give up control to her voluntarily might help with her basically demanding it from him when they're not doing that, even if she doesn't realize that's how he sees how she acts sometimes
Trying to get her out of her own head is a struggle, but making an actual effort to tackle her issues subtly is probably better than telling her straight on that she's being a dick.
- Insurance stuff
- Dinner
- Set up prompt for Festival
- Clear inbox
- Update thread tracker to include Dec TDM
everyone just fucking own it. tired of this!!
>not actually good at pep talks but you know the heart was willing