necromancy isn't evil because it's unchecked capitalism it's evil because the basis for the setting was random neurons firing while i was asleep and necromancy seems evil just based on cultural vibes
Instead of making it a single school of magic versus all the other schools of magic, think of it more as aims of magic. One that's symbiotic and focused on creation, one that's parasitic and focused solely on what someone can get for themselves.
So it's not necessarily necromancy in itself that's an issue, it's the utilization of it in a way that deprives others morally, materially, or spirituallly.
In other words, see magic by itself as a sort of representation of capitalism and patriarchy, in which it is a tool whose aims get altered and distorted.
the latter trying to prevent public knowledge of the existence of magic because that would disrupt their position as the capitalist uberfucks at the top
Normally when you die you lose all your memories and shit but these guys have been working together so when one of them dies the others hunt down their reincarnation and artificially install the previous personality and memory
But I do like the idea of a villain group that is talking about the greater good while also constantly committing atrocities to consolidate their own power but they actually believe their own story
The etymology is a little questionable re: the lich thing, but there's zero cost to transitioning to 'reliquary' which means the same thing but more general and is also a more balling word
they bring STABITY