Free Star🌟💫🔥
Here I am again (still) at 7am just heading up to bed! Ugh! I’m really tired too which usually I’m not. I originally planned on working on my shield art this aft/evening and staying up late for that, but I told myself, don’t do that you’ll regret it, get some good sleep instead. Yet here I am, no artwork done and still awake plurking and listening to jazz.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
I was too tired to work on it yet not too tired (or maybe just too tired) to get my butt up to bed at a decent hour! LOL
Max Graf
h ULee Weener
I have a there a reason you want an earlier bedtime/wake-up time? My son convinced me a few years ago that he should be allowed to stay up at night and sleep in in the morning. On the weekend, we sometimes don't see him until 2 pm, but he loves the freedom of staying up late and being able to talk with friends across the globe.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Tegala : yes, so I can be more productive in “daylight” hours and a bit more in sync with the world around me.
That’s a great reason... daylight is the best light to be productive
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Scea : apparently not for me. LOL I seem to be more productive and creative at night. In AZ I used to always clean my house on Friday nights because then I had the rest of the weekend free.
Free Star🌟💫🔥 : I know better things for Friday nights (LOL)