a bad headache after getting dizzy & sick when repeatedly trying to search everywhere for my most recent passport as the only possible photo ID someone requested.

not good at searching the filing cabinet without getting injured, plus it involves a lot of being hunched over and looking down, it was too cold to search bags without dragging them in here and the shelves are still covered with plastic because of the possibility of an invading engineer.

eventually found the passport in approximately the first place I looked - it was just stuck too well with static between other documents to immediately be visible on the original couple of searches. Surprisingly, it's even still in date. Annoyingly, I already had a scan of it anyway.

oh no! I’m sorry to hear about that misadventure.

unfortunately, in order for the copy of the passport to count as photo ID, for it also to be signed by someone off a very short list of valid validators - and that's a bit tricky even without a pandemic. So I may not be able to complete this stage of documentation.

only one possible pixie person who might meet the criteria (the dance club people are unlikely to come and help) but a semi-distant relative by marriage is another possibility if they are willing to admit to remembering that I look the same as I did several decades ago.