Guys. I missed my Apple Watch delivery. Why does UPS hate doorbells? I heard them at the door. They didn’t ring or knock. I swear it. I just heard some noise and the screen door open and then 5 minutes later I get a text that I missed it. WHY GOD WHYYYYY
I called and they said they would attempt to reach out to dispatch and I’ll be getting a call for redelivery
Fingers crossed
Luke Skywanker
That is super annoying.
Luke Skywanker
Though more often I'm annoyed they knock and don't just drop off when I haven't asked for personal delivery OMG just leave it.

but I can see why you wouldn't with expensive tech
Luke Skywanker : I have a doorbell!! Ring that shit, yo. There’s a thing to release without signing on the back of the missed you notice but I want it NOWWWW (imagine my best veruca imitation)
Luke Skywanker
oh I do too. I hate when they use it. just leave my shit and go away
Mmw Strangelove
my guy is the opposite and leaves even the most expensive stuff in plain sight from the road, no signature, no knock. Hope they bring it fast!
they never bother to knock here either. i've had the door OPEN and the dude will leave shit on the porch as close to the stairs as possible, they are being rushed too much to actually make contact