Thoughts I’ve had as a 41 year old.
It is no longer fun nor worthwhile to skip steps on the way up stairs.
Being invited out to da club, my first thought was if the ANC on these true wireless buds will allow me to listen to a podcast in peace.
Heartburn fucking sucks.
Have to really strategize buffets now so not to feel like absolute shit from over eating afterwards.
Autobot Abubot
Same with heartburn. It feels like it's almost constant now.
Autobot Abubot
Also dropping out of the office party this year, as well as the president's club's trip to bohol. Would rather sleep.
Autobot Abubot
: It's a recent thing for me. The acid reflux was a long time coming but just had my first instance of heartburn last night.
Skipping steps in stairs: I feel yah. My knee hurts now from just getting up from a low-sit position.
: totes. first few steps out of bed is always a "leeeaarning to walk agaaaaain" feel.
I wonder now if there is ever a way to correct these?
: had the habit of limbering up, shaking, mild stretching while still lying down before i get up. Helps a bit.