RT Happening on Twitter at the moment at a time of unrest/protests taking place in various places across China. When trying to find the latest posts on situations in various places (in Chinese), you get endless streams of nonsense ads preventing quick access to actual information.
太聰明了,Twitter 檔不住,就用無止盡的色情廣告檔住,讓你搜尋不到.......
這招學起來?色情廣告救口國.... 霸屏產業還是有用的..
Happening on Twitter at the moment at a time of unrest/protests taking place in various places across China. When trying to find the latest posts on situations in various places (in Chinese), you get endless streams of nonsense ads preventing quick access to actual information.
上海 - Twitter Search / Twitter
EX: 上海乌鲁木齐
上海乌鲁木齐 - Twitter Search / Twitter