Luke Skywanker
The cat that does not like me will not leave me second favorite plant alone and I don't know what to do about it. I don't want to get rid of the plant, I would be so resentful. But if it's close enough to a window to live, it can be reached.
Luke Skywanker
basically Whymer is a menace and he hates me anyway why should I have to lose my plant
Mυrder Mυғғιɴ
Put tin foil on the surface it sits on
Mυrder Mυғғιɴ
When the cat tries to walk to it, the noise/texture will bother it
Mυrder Mυғғιɴ
it might leave it then
Mυrder Mυғғιɴ
And if tin foil doesn't work, put packing tape sticky side up
Luke Skywanker
yeah there's no real surface either
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
I could move the stuff I have trying to block it
Luke Skywanker
and then put foil down I guess
Luke Skywanker
(neither worked for Josie actually, she did not care)
Mυrder Mυғғιɴ
There's enough surface for a cat to sit on, so if you can deter the cat from the surface, you can then put the stuff back
Luke Skywanker
It's also like... it's supposed to be pretty! I don't want to make it unpretty it would defeat the purpose

yes I'm whining

these are good suggestions I'm sorry
Mυrder Mυғғιɴ
no worries it's hard bc it's not even your cat
I have my precious plants I cages...
Luke Skywanker
oh I meant he's not even really ON it when he's bothering it, so I'm unsure he'll have to walk on it enough to be an issue but I'll try
Because of my cat
Luke Skywanker
Mυrder Mυғғιɴ : oh you're saying move the stuff
Luke Skywanker
Yeah. ", Oh he won't leave my room" she said
Luke Skywanker
no he just thinks my room is his and gets mad every time I enter my own room because he is terrified of me
Luke Skywanker
he makes no sense
Haunted Boobs
Yeah I also have to have all my plants in cages/inside glass cabinets because one of my cats will not leave plants around
Luke Skywanker
I can't see myself buying cages for my plants
Luke Skywanker
I will probably have to get rid of them and be constantly resentful which isn't much of a solution either
Haunted Boobs
Pretty thrift store bird cages can make awesome plant displays
Luke Skywanker
I'll look into it
Haunted Boobs
You can also try coating the leaves of the plant/parts the cat goes for with cayenne or chili pepper.
Luke Skywanker
Honestly I'm probably just still mad because I never wanted a roommate to begin with so this is a "safer" thing to be upset about
Luke Skywanker
I'm resentful of the entire scene
Luke Skywanker
but that's untenable
Haunted Boobs
I understand exactly how that goes
Luke Skywanker
I just added some lemon juice
Luke Skywanker
The heartbreak has eased but I think I'm actually still really depressed about my life I'm just not umm... entirely conscious of it
bitter apple or bitter cherry spray OR an auto sensing can of air.

but it's rough