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Immortality may be the weirdest game of the year
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it's a live action FMV game about video archival
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where 99% of the gameplay is clicking on images in clips to reveal other clips
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and the other 1% is, the other side
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where sometimes you get a strange vibration-based reaction to part of a video clip
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and if you reverse that partt of the clip
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then it will fade cut to a different clip, where two new characters either appear as characters in the scene or are added into itt out of nowhere
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and they seem to be aware of the player's presence as a future observer
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most of the videos are scenes from three different fictional movies
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but in various levels of incompleteness
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from full cinematic scene to initial script read around a table
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all three movies star the same actress, who we know to have vanished mysteriously
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the movies are 30 years apart and she doesn't age a day