Flash Bastard
https://images.plurk.com/ViU3G4IrjZnYmlsMoP0xZ.png Sure, why not.
Flash Bastard
Flash Bastard
pastel ranma
Flash Bastard
hokay, getting to this. Futaba.
Flash Bastard
Sexuality: she gay. Like, high-Kinsey bi at best. She's too into investigating Sae's underwear drawer and the female PTs' outfits to not be gay.
Flash Bastard
Gender: I think if she did have gender wobbles it'd take a while to untangle them from 'do I actually dislike my assigned gender or is this residual General Self-Loathing?'
Flash Bastard
Ship: If she and Sumi can manage to not have mutually incompatible brain weasels, they're adorable.
Flash Bastard
(That's a decently big 'if,' which is why I have a fic where they're amicable exes - they saw the problem coming and stopped dating while they were still friends.)
Flash Bastard
BroTP: Joker. And Yusuke, since he tends to twig to her moods quickly...
Flash Bastard
NOTP: Yusuke. ...If he's paying attention to her moods at all, he twigs quickly. But it's about 50/50 whether he is or not, and that does not a solid relationship make.
Flash Bastard
Random headcanon: I've noticed before that one of the voices in her hallucinations sounds like Sojiro. Notably, it's the 'why don't you SAY SOMETHING' one... and that could be him.
Flash Bastard
Well-meaning frustration right after he took her in, because he's trying to help and Futaba won't tell him how.
Flash Bastard
It's part of the trauma parade because she Could Not Handle being put on the spot like that.
Flash Bastard
(It could just as easily be her asshole relatives, but.)
Flash Bastard
General opinion: Adorable chaos gremlin, must protecc.
Flash Bastard
(Re: gender, I can see Futaba landing where I am - 'if I do it, it's a thing girls do, you're all thinking about the social aspect of this way too hard.')