Working on Thad's App and having thoughts about the fact that President Thawne didn't consider Jenni part of the Allen bloodline because he didn't think she was a speedster, plus she didn't have the Allen name.
So serious question; if Bart permanently lost his connection to the speedforce, got married and took his partners last name (or just changed his last name on a whim), would Thawne still consider him part of the Allen blood line?
Or would the old fart throw his hands up and be like "I WIN!"
Like, what level of petty is this man at? And does he want Bart dead out of pure spite more then he just wants the Allen family to stop existing?
Also, it will never not boggle my mind that this man looked at Bart, who dead ass looks like a clone of his daughter, and who's only inherited trait from the Allens was their superspeed and went "Hmmm, needs more Thawne DNA"
Roll Fizzlebeef
Is any one really Surprised a Thawne is petty? It's honestly more of a surprise when they're not.
It's not the pettyness that shocks me it's the degree of the pettyness. Man made an incest clone because his daughter dared to let her kid have the last name Allen. That was taking an already low bar and digging a pit for it.
Side though - "I Am the Cause of All My Own Problems - The story of how I still managed to blame it all on someone else" would make an excellent title for a Thawne family biography.
President Thawne is a piece of work.
He sure is!
We need someone to bring in a SANE supertherapist into Meta so some of the heroes might get their heads on straight.
I can't wait for Thad to enter his "thinking critically about the Thawnes era", were he starts to think he's an idiot for having ever drank the kool-aid. Even though he never had anything but kool-aid to drink.
Also, agreed! It would also be nice if they could get that in cannon too, tbh. Without having another Wally turns into an accidental mass murderer plot.
I am now picturing Thad sitting and tossing black soldier fly larvae to the hens while lost in thought, after carefully checking that Bart isn't on the farm to see.
I could def see him doing that. That could make for some good hand waved stuff or a good thread if Bart catches him doing it.