1k for HOA fees in a trailer park. Am I wrong in thinking that's kind of hefty?
I swear I've plurked about this before too, so forgive me but I'm still like WTF. It's not even a nice trailer! https://www.realtor.com/...
A trailer park they better be luxury lolol
granted, that's a cheap AF trailer park in a nice school district but I don't have kids and that area floods sooooo
My parents keep encouraging us to look at condos and I'm like... you do realize that when you factor in HOA fees, a 1 bedroom condo is like double what you would pay for a 2/3 bedroom home.
150k for less than half an acre of land https://www.realtor.com/...
that's nuts... and that rent for a trailer made in the 70s lol that whole situation is nuts...
MarvelMouse 🐭
After our last experience I swore we'd never buy a house with an HOA ever again.
MarvelMouse 🐭 : The HOAs around here are BIZARRE. Like not too many on actual homes unless it's super fancy land, but we have them on condos and they're usually double the mortgage if you put 20% down. Like... wtf. And I'm not talking luxury complexes or anything.
You lost me at hoa and trailer park. The fuck.
I know CA is as if not more expensive than most of Jersey, but at least it's PRETTY there.
and you know, less cancer from environmental pollution and stuff
Dovelove : it's like right by a river in a flood zone too
I just want a 2 bedroom cottage. THATS IT. I'll take a townhome or condo if it's not got a crazy HOA. But this is what it costs for a 2 bedroom by me https://www.realtor.com/...
MarvelMouse 🐭
the other thing that's really making it hard to buy a house right now is the interest rate have double ;(
$1k a month is insane. I mean our HOA is only $300 something a year but it's mostly just to cover lights on our street. The neighboring community has an HOA and I think fees are around $300 a month, but you get an amazing community pool. (And some people paid a lump sum so their HOA fees are less)
MarvelMouse 🐭 : yeah, I mean, I'm not even like honestly in the market. I just kind of keep my eye on things. The crazy thing is rent is WAY more than mortgages around me. Even when taking into account what you would pay to maintain your home and taxes etc.
This is basically the NYC tax. It frustrates me because I haven't set foot in the city since September/October of 2019 and once I hit my early 30s, I would go to the city maybe once or twice a year at most.
But until my MIL retires, we can't move. We need to live near her because George is her only caretaker.
When she retires, she can at least follow us wherever we decide to move. My father said he would help us with a down payment if we stayed within an hour or so of my family, but we would have to move a lot further out to find something affordable.
that's crazy expensive especially for a trailer park.