I can't help but feel bad for the oldest, if only because like...his people are actively trying to make every fundraising email as emotionally manipulative as possible. And that demographic's the one most easily manipulated by it, because too many of them are desperate for connections with others, not to mention emotional support.
Like despite having one hell of a complicated relationship with my grandpa and a near perfect inability to pick up on social or emotional cues, even I could tell looking at him. It's how he almost got conned by one of those phone scams.
He genuinely thought he was gonna be keeping my brother- who he basically hated, btw- out of jail by sending him money, to the point my mother had to have a whole debate with him about it to convince him that no, he was being scammed, and even if she didn't know exactly where my brother was and it wasn't where the phone scammer said
they kept calling him grandpa, and not a single person in the family ever called him that. At least not in actual conversation. He was always one of three things: Jim, Dad, or Papa. That's it. But the guy on the phone just kept calling him grandpa over and over (in addition to other, unrelated tells).
Donald Trump really out here charging $50 to answer whether he should run or not