Knowing that no response at all could do more damage, sometimes I would just say, “I think he’s doing well.” At least that doesn’t amplify the spotlight and maybe he can have a fraction of privacy as he tries to deal with this disease.
And yet, I would have periods of wondering if I was wrong for not doing more, doing something. But I did come to understand that this disease relentlessly fed itself and was determined to keep going.
That guy, with everything he was battling, was still there. The same Matthew who, from the beginning, could lift us all up during a grueling night shoot for the opening titles inside that fountain. 1)
“Can’t remember a time I wasn’t in a fountain!” “What are we, wet?” “Can’t remember a time I wasn’t wet … I!” (Matthew is the reason we are all laughing in that fountain in the opening titles.) 2)
And by Pain, I don't mean a stubbed toe or "The Whole Ten Yards." I capitalize Pain because this was the worst Pain l've ever experienced— it was the Platonic Ideal of Pain, the exemplar. I’ve heard people claim that the worst pain is childbirth: well, this was the worst pain imaginable, but without the joy of a newborn in my arms at the end of it.
Matthew Perry 最有名的應該是在Friends(六人行)中飾演Chandler,而如書名所述,這本書在講的是Matty過去的各種經歷,以及他的酒癮(the big terrible thing)
雖然不想對這些問題做出回應,但如果不做回應反而會產生更多問題,所以被問到Matthew 過的好不好時Lisa總是說「我覺得他過得不錯。」這樣的回答或許能讓詢問者感到稍微安心點,甚至能創造一個空間讓Matthew得到一些隱私。