Russell T Davies證實第十三任博士是「隨著衣服一起重生」。他表示其是因為不希望異性戀男性(演員)穿著女性服裝的畫面淪為對陰柔氣質和變裝文化的嘲笑而決定如此呈現。 此舉同時引發了跨性別女性劇迷們的感謝與Cosplayer們的質疑,後者甚至在Twitter上自主發起了#ThirteenForEveryone聲援活動以抗議此項決定。
Davies has now explained his reasons: “I was very certain that I didn’t want David to appear in Jodie’s costume. I think the notion of men dressing in ‘women’s clothes’, the notion of drag, is very delicate. I’m a huge fan of that culture and the dignity of that, it’s truly a valuable thing. But it has to be done with immense thought and respect.”
He continued: “With respect to Jodie and her Doctor, I think it can look like mockery when a straight man wears her clothes. To put a great big six-foot Scotsman into them looks like we’re taking the mickey.
“Also, I guarantee you it’s the only photograph some of the papers would print for the rest of time. If they can play with gender in a sarcastic or critical way, they will.
He added: “We could have the Doctor dressed as a knight, or dressed as God, or dressed as William Hartnell, and the only photo they’d print would be of David in what they considered to be women’s clothes. Then it becomes weaponised — as a mockery of feminine traits, a mockery of drag, of that culture. So that was never going to happen.
Russell T Davies證實第十三任博士是「隨著衣服一起重生」。他表示其是因為不希望異性戀男性(演員)穿著女性服裝的畫面淪為對陰柔氣質和變裝文化的嘲笑而決定如此呈現。