ships i've missed.......

the first was yuri and edelgard in onceupon. they were very cute, but unfortunately by the time edelgard developed feelings for her, yuri was already romancing the mastermind (hamelin). after that was revealed, edelgard offered to take yuri to her world if hamelin died, which she sort of was hoping for but also sort of wasn't because empathy.

and she was still teenaged edelgard and hadn't quite mastered how to turn that off

yuri elizabeth from beware the villainess specifically

they left things in a sort of ambiguous place but yuri promised to drop by and help edelgard make her new world.

spike buffy the vampire slayer and barok van zieks from ace attorney kind of sailed for like a week. sometimes you antagonize a fake vampire man, get horny and weird about it when he threatens to stab you with a sword, accuse him of being no better than the murderers he punishes while beating the shit out of him, take his victorian bachelor virginity and

beg him to murder you

they were very funny. and toward the end actually sort of moved in the direction of mutual understanding and respect, which was a big step for them

in terms of faith ships she's had chemistry/shippy interactions with a bunch of girls, but that's just how she rolls.

i think the full list is like

kassandra assassins creed, vi, gideon nav, sayo yasuda, cassandra tangled, jessica ushiromiya

oh she's flirted with usagi a fair bit

nobody is safe

she's also ofc had shippy moments with tara, and tara is going to drop this month so that'll end up being a missed ship, alas.