So today, I took mrs beken to the mall to the apple store to look at the iPhone 14 and to see if her camera accessories would work with the iPhone 14. They do. Then we went to the Samsung store. (unsure)
I would give the person at the Samsung store a 9 out of 10 for professionalism, knowledge, and helpfulness in making a decision on what phone to buy and the "Genius" at the Apple store, maybe a 4.
We'll wait until Black Friday to actually buy the phone. The Samsung guy recommended we get the iPhone if our key feature is the Find My feature and iMessages to keep track of my parents. Told mrs beken that if she wanted to do wildlife photography, that any decent dSLR with 300mm lens would trounce any phone camera. Even the Samsung with 10X optical zoom
I've had Samsung phones for years and like them.
Mine takes pretty good photos.
Personally, I only use my phone camera when I see a picture I want and don't have my camera with me. Picture quality is not the importance. Otherwise, I have dSLRs and 35mm SLRs, and if needed a twin lens reflex for high quality pictures. The phone cameras make great Instamatic cameras.
Swamp Daddy
Phone cameras are better than point and shoot cameras, but for real good quality they are no replacement for a dslr.
Swamp Daddy : wished i could justify a medium format camera. But my film cameras still take better pictures than an dSLR I've tried. But I have gotten used to the conveniences of digital and sacrifice of some quality for all the conveniences is worth it for most cases.
Swamp Daddy
I could have never got this one with my phone camera.